The Vault:
Malla walks in from the Female Apprentice Quarters.
Kazandar looks up from assorted books and scrolls. "Hello."
Malla smiles, "Hi."
Kazandar tosses a scroll at her. "Look at this!"
Malla takes the scroll, and looks at it.
Kazandar frowns and begins to madly search through the mess of papers and
scrolls. "I just had it..." Papers with all sorts of picutres go flying in
every direction as he hunts. "Ah ha!" He snatches another scroll and flops
it proudly to the table.
Meyana steps in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Malla smiles and looks up, handing the scroll back to Kaz "I like it"
Kazandar looks up. "Hey Mey!" He begins to ruffle through papers again.
Meyana smiles at the other crafters. "HI, Kaz! I haven't seen you in a
while!" She happily steps in, and settles her self in a chair.
Kazandar takes the scroll back and tosses it at Meyana. "Catch!" Then he
slides another scroll to Malla.
Malla takes the next scroll and examines it.
Kazandar begins to search through the papers again until he finds a picture
of Pern in one of the many books on the table. "'re you?" is asked
to everyone in the room.
Malla looks up from the scroll, "Oh! Great!"
Malla handing the scroll back to Kaz, "I like this one better
Kazandar smiles. "Thank you, thank you...which do you like better?" He takes
the scroll back from Malla ready to give it to Meyana. "I mean...which would
be better...on a wall?"
Astrei walks in from the Female Apprentice Quarters.
Meyana catches the tossed scroll, and unrolls it. "OOh, Kaz, this is great!
I like it... What's it for?"
Malla says, "I think the second would look good, on the wall."
Astrei snuggles in to her corner once more "Hello."
Kazandar grins and tosses the second scroll at Meyana and the first to
Astrei looks at whatever this is Kaz just through her. "What is this?"
Kazandar grins and shuffles through all the papers. "Well...I'm going to
paint a mural on the Observatory wall."
Astrei walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Meyana Nods in agreement. "I like this one. That sounds fuh, Kaz!(fun,
ick)" She snuggles closer into the chair, and tosses the scroll back,
rolling it up. She pulls out her own book.
Malla nods, "Sounds like a great idea."
Kazandar snatches the scroll and places back with the others. "Fun?
Well...yes! I suppose it would be!"
Kezzra walks in from the Female Apprentice Quarters.
Kezzra sits down in her usual spot on the floor in front of the couch.
Meyana opens her book, and smoothes it out on the page it naturally falls
to, and she examines the picture on it. "When are you going to do it, Kaz?"
Kezzra sighs, "So how is everyone?"
Kazandar smiles and snatches up a couple scrolls and then tosses them at
Kezzra. Turning back to Mey he says, "Oh...when I decide which I'll do and
then I have to draw it on the wall...I'm fine..."
Kezzra looks between Kaz and Mey, "Do what?"
Malla turning to Kezzra, "Ok, I guess."
Kazandar smiles and pulls out a sketch of the Red Star. "Oh..I'm going to
paint a mural on the Observatory wall.."
Malla pulls her blanket tighter around her, and leans against the wall.
"How've you been Kezzra?
Meyana smiles up at Kezzra. ER, down. "OH, I've been all right." She leans
back, and says, "Which do you thin you're leaning toward now, Kaz?"
Kezzra sets the scrolls to one side after she is done looking at them. "I'm
been alright."
Kazandar snatches back the scrolls and flips through a book making notations
on another piece of paper.
Drallo walks quietly in, and nods hello to everyone he sees. in from the
Main Hall Balcony.
Kazandar looks up from his book at someone he's...seen?Once...yeah..yeah..."Hello..."
Drallo walks in carrying a cup of hot broth. Then, notices Malla, and puts
his free hand on his hip, "Malla!"
Drallo says, "Oh, hi."
Malla straightens quickly, and says in a low voice, "Uh oh.
Meyana smiles at the newcomer. "Hello." She glances at Kaz and Malla, as
they seem to know him. She's been at Tillek too long...
Drallo inclines his head to everyone, and turns back to Malla, scowling.
Malla says, "I'm going. I'm going."
Drallo walks over to Malla and hands her the cup, and gently nudges her
toward the door.
Kazandar smiles and closes his multiple books, gathers up all the papers and
scrolls and puts them into a neat pile. Then he gathers them all up in his
arms and gets up. "I'm off to bed...Night."
Malla says, "Me too, night Kaz."
Kezzra says, "Night Kaz."
Drallo looking at Malla, Get going, I can't stay all night.
Kazandar smiles and nods his head to them all and heads for the dorms.
The Vault:
Silvara enjoys the scratches and moves her head around so Shava can get
underneath her chin as well. "Its for my J-man project. I'm trying to figure
something out using them, but, I'm not sure if it's me or the equations.
About a sevenday ago I made a huge math error, lucky I corrected it." She
sighs again and puts the notes aside on a nearby table. Shava gives a nod to
Kazandar as she sees her fellow senior apprentice arrive.
Lilinia nods and wrinkles her nose, "Yuck. I hate math." She continues to
pet the fire-lizard on her, and turns to see Kazandar. She blushes a little,
but gains composure, "Hey Kaz..."
Kazandar smiles and carries in book on top of book with papers and scrolls
hanging out inbetween the books and a small tray of cakes on top. "Hello
everyone!" He sees the flit on Lili's shoulder. "Is that mine?"
Shava looks at the pile of books Kazandar is carrying, "Got a full load
tonight Kaz?" she asks, relaxing a bit, petting all of Silvera who purrs,
and loudly.
Lilinia grins back looking at all the books in his hands and nods, "I
believe so. You want him back?"
Kazandar smiles and puts down the load of books on the table and sits on the
couch behind it. "Well...I've got A J-man project to do, but acctually i'm
taking a break right now. He gestures to the tray of small cakes. "Anyone
want any?" He smiles at Lili. " can keep him for this night." He
grins. "He's a trouble maker anyway."
Shava can't exactly get up for a cookie, so she'll wait until she wants to
move the feline or Silvera leaves herself. "So what's your project
Kazandar?" she says, curious since she recalls one time the senior
apprentice not exactly wanting a promotion some time ago, or was that
someone else?
Lilinia rolls her eyes and smiles, "Oh gee, thanks for telling me now..."
Lili picks up a little cake and starts to eat it, "These are really good...
did you make them?"
Meyana smiles, glad to not be the last to know something around here from
since since she got back. "Oh, Kaz, have you chosen a drawing yet?"
Kazandar grins. "No! And it's a good thing I didn't! I'm ok, but not the
greatest cook ever..." He turns to Shava. "Well. I'm working on a mural for
the observatory wall. Wanna see a few of my sketches?" The last is directed
at everyone. Kazandar shakes his head. "Nope. Not yet Mey."
Shava nods, "Really? I want to see one. I've been working in there since the
beginning of the month on my project. Maybe we'll overlap each other. It'll
be interesting though." She holds out hand, hoping for a drawing to appear.
Lilinia chuckles and shrugs, "Sure... how long is it going to take you?" She
takes another bite of the little cake in her hand, twirling the end of
Venusnv's tail around her finger carefully not to wake him.
Kazandar searches through the books and finally finds two scrolls. One he
tosses to Shava, the other to Lili. "Here.."
Shava catches it, with both hands, and looks at it, "This is good. So you're
trying to decide between this one and one Lilinia has then?"
Meyana recalls just a little while ago when she was tossed the same scrolls.
"When you've seen them both, tell me which one you like better... " she's
curious to find out if it's equal , or if there's a popular opinion.
Kazandar grins at Mey. "Hey! My project!" He shuffles through some books
again., looking but not finding.
Meyana steps to the Female Apprentice Quarters.
Lilinia looks over the picture, examining it closely, tracing the paths of
the planets with the finger she had just been twirling round the 'lizard's
tail, "It's really good. I like it a lot."
Venusnv moves a little, but continues to sleep.
Kazandar smiles. "Really? I wasn't sure which one to use.." He looks over to
Shava nods, "I really like it." She holds out the scroll she has, ready to
toss it to Lilinia, hoping that she plans to let her see the other scroll.
"Here, you want to see it?"
Lilinia nods to Shava and throws her scroll carefully towards her, "Catch!"
Shava catches the scroll then tosses the first one she had to Lilinia, "Now
to see the difference and make a choice." She opens the scroll and looks at
Lilinia unrolls the scroll and looks at the sketch for a minute, and looks
up at him, "I definatly like the other one. It seems more artistic to me."
Shava shrugs, "I like the first one better, in my opinion." She gently
nudges Silvera off her lap, who has just about fallen asleep and stands up.
She holds the scroll out to Kazandar, "And I'm off to bed. I have to be up
at about sunset tomorrow for my project. See you both tomorrow, when or if I
see you. Good night."
Kazandar smiles and takes back the scroll. "Bye..Night...thanks for your
Lilinia smiles at Shava and would of gotten up to give her a hug, except for
the lizard sleeping on her, "Sweet dreams Shava."
Lilinia rolls the scroll back up, before handing it back over to him,
"Well... which one do /you/ want to do?"
Kazandar takes back all the scrolls and papers that are out, closes the
books and tries to makes his pile of stuff look neater than it is. Oh well.
"Me? I happen to like the one Shava had last best myself. I just like to
hear what other people say too."
The Vault:
Kazandar stumbles in with and armful of books and papers. "He-loo... OOf!"
Kazandar stumbles into the room under a load of books and scrolls, looking
very much like he could fall soon. "Ahh...erg..." Quickly he stumble/walks
into the room more and sets down his load. "Whew..."
Jorina is standing at the Big DV, adjusting it carefully to focus on
something in the far distance of space.
Jorina doesn't move as she hears someone stumble in, working hard to make
the fuzzy section clear.
Kazandar blinks as he notices another person in the room. ""
Jorina turns, sighing as she can't focus the 'viewer at all. "Kazandar?" is
said, almost questioningly until she sees the pile of scrolls and books,
"Need me to help with those? You look like yer 'bout to topple over!"
Kazandar grins. "Yup. It's me." He looks down at himself. "At least I think
so..." He pats the books and such. "Nope. Thanks though. I've got it under
Jorina grins, "So yer name hasn't changed much lately?" Riina grins and
walks towards the apprentice, "You sure? There's a mighty lot of 'em." And
here she gets inquisitive, see? "What are you needing them all for?"
Kazandar grins back. "Me?" Duh. Yes you. "I'm doing research about astronomy
and the planets and stuff...yeah.."
Jorina mms, pretending like she didn't already approve his potential project
before sending it to Rosuma, "What kind of research, again? You seem to be
doing a whole lot of it."
Kazandar points to the blank wall. "Kinda...boring wall don't you think?
Well..I'm thinking I'd look real nice with some paint on it...not just /any/
paint. A mural! Of the Pern solar system...see?"
Jorina mms, squinting to imagine it, "And that's why yer doing all that
research?" The journeywoman nods, then turns to look at Kaz, "Do you have
any designs yet?"
Kazandar shrugs. "More or less. I haven't found one I /really/ like yet
though..." He grins. "It's not as easy as some would think!"
Jorina nods, still thinking, "Any you could show me?"
Kazandar shrugs. "If you don't mind looking at plain sketches..."
Jorina shakes her head, "Not at all!" Green eyes search the pile of books
and scrolls to see if she can spy them, "D'you have 'em now?"
Kazandar nods and begins to rummage through all the books and scrolls
and...everything...what a mess. "Ah ha!" He snatches a scroll that was
sticking out a book and begins to rummage again after handing it to Jorina.
The Vault:
Kezzra walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kezzra sits down on the couch. "Do ya have any clue what's goin' on round
here Kaz?"
Kazandar, slumped in his chair, blinks at her. "All what?"
Kezzra says, "There's somethin' goin' on round here and no one knows what.
Atleast that's what they tell me, but I think it's just somethin' their not
tellin' me."
Kazandar shrugs. "Well I don't know anything about it either. I've been
working on my J-man project lately.
Kezzra says, "Sure ya don't. I need ta get workin' on mine but I have no
idea what ta do."
Kazandar nods. "Yeah...I'm already working on my mural."
Kezzra says, "Mural??"
Kazandar nods. "On the Observatory wall..." He rummages through books and
papers. "Ah ha!" He pulls out a scroll and tosses it to kezzra.
Kezzra says, "That's real nice Kaz. Any ideas for what I could do?"
Kazandar shakes his head. "What's your speciality?"
Kezzra says, "RS."
Kazandar nods. "Hmmm...I really don't know what to tell you..."
Kezzra says, "Any ideas would help. I'm havein' trouble comin'up with
Kazandar grins. "I can see why..."
Kezzra says, "Huh?"
Kazandar smiles. "I can't think of anything either."
Tatoria walks in from the Female Apprentice Quarters.
Katran walks in from the Male Apprentice Quarters.
Kezzra is sick of these people. There is something they aren't telling her
and she wants to know what and why. She walks rather frustrated with
Tatoria drops into her chair with a blissful sigh and a bright smile first
at Kezz, then to Kaz. "How're you guys?"
Kezzra walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Kazandar sighs. "She's...a little annoyed with all of you right now.."
Daiton chitters. A little annoyed?
Tatoria blinks as Kezzra stalks out, then look at Kaz. "Annoyed? Why? With
Katran sits down in his favourite chair, and looks around. "Am I missing
Kazandar shrugs. "If you are so am I."
Katran hmmphs. "Yes, well." He takes a lukewarm drink from the tray, and
sips at it.
Tatoria wrinkles her nose at each in turn. "Well indeed."
Daiton chitters. Don't these pets know that 'his pet likes knowing what is
going on too?
Kezzra walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Venusnv sneezes. Know? He knows colors! I'm blue..your
Kezzra walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Tatoria slumps down into her chair. "So. How're you guys?"
Kazandar shrugs. "I'm...tired."
Katran hmms. "A little strained. Thinking up a project."
Tatoria wrinkles her nose. The one day she's wide awake one's tired and the
other's thinking about /work/! "You guys. Are no fun. You," she stares at
Kaz "should sleep more so you're not tired. And you," she says, glaring at
Katran "should not think about work!"
Kezzra walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kezzra sits down on the floor in front of the couch not looking at any of
the others and not saying anything to them either.
Kazandar feels ignored..and unloved...
Tatoria glares at Kat and Kaz once more for good measure before glancing at
Kezzra. "Dont you think these guys need to have a little more... fun?"
Kezzra just stares at the wall across form her.
Tatoria frowns deeply. "Maybe /all/ of you need more fun! Humph."
Kazandar frowns. "I had plenty of fun thank it's time to /work/
Tatoria laughs in Kaz's general direction. "Fun? You? When?" she asks, her
tone disbelieving.
Kezzra turns to Tatoria. "Look Tatoria you don't have ta lie ta me!"
Kezzra stands up and walks out.
Kezzra walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Tatoria blinks. "Um. What?"
Tatoria glares at the two boys again. This must be their fault. Somehow.
"What is she talking about? I think /I'm/ missing something."
Kazandar frowns. "So am I!! She seems to mad at everyone!"
Tatoria glares even more - just to perfect the look. "What did you /do/ to
Katran cringes. "I didn't do /any/thing!"
Kazandar growls. "I didn't /do/ anything!"
Tatoria flounces backward in her chair. "You must have done /something/ to
make her mad!" Tatoria glares some more, just for good measure. Well. If the guys are being mean, she'll just have to think of something... hmmm...
Katran gets out of his chair, and goes back to his room for a lie-down.
Katran walks to the Male Apprentice Quarters.
Kezzra walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kazandar looks up from a drawing on the floor. "Hello..."
Kezzra sits down in a corner. "Hi" she snaps.
Kazandar stands up and goes over to the wall. He begins to sketch from the
drawing onto the wall. "Anything I can do for you?"
Lilinia walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Lilinia walks in and waves to everyone with her free hand, "Hey! How's
everybody this fine night?"
Kazandar looks from the wall to Lili. "Hello...drawing the mural on the
Kezzra snaps "No." at Kaz and stands to leave.
Lilinia raises an eyebrow, "Really? Finally..." She looks at Kezz, "Hey, you
Kezzra walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Lilinia nods, not exactly underestand, "Um.... what just happened?" She
watches the door.
Kazandar draws lines and circles on the wall. "I guess not..."
Lilinia walks over to look at the wall and ponders, "Um... what was she
going off about?"
Kazandar shrugs, but manages /not/ to mess up the line. "I really don't
Lilinia nod and bites her lip, but then stops, because she knows she'll get
lectured. "Oookay. I'm going to make sure she isn't about to kill
Lilinia walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
The Vault:
Etain looks up at Kaz and smiles. Haven't seen him since they 'cooked'. She
nods his way.
Kazandar grins. 'Cooked'. Mmmm.../that/ had interesting side affects. "Hello
everyone." He sits down in his chair.
Etain shakes her head a bit "How are you?" The question is for everyoen in
the room.
Kazandar shrugs. "Fine...I guess. I /should/ be working, but...yeah."
Etain looks confused "Should be?"
Isamu goes home.
Kazandar nods. "Yes..I'm...feeling lazy."
Etain chuckles a bit "Aren't we all at times?"
Kazandar grins. "Why...of course!"
Etain actually seems intreasted, skeery "What would you have had to do, had
you been doing work?"
Kazandar smiles. "Well, have you been in the observatory lately?" Don't
worry...he's not out to catch you for not looking at the stars.
Etain nods then it sort of clicks in her head "That is you's?!"
Kazandar wrinkles his nose. "Hmm. You've noticed the mess of paints and such
I see...and those marks on the wall..."
Etain nods again, see seems to like to do that "Your making a mural I hear."
Etain takes that back 'Well I figure you are."
Kazandar snickers. "Yeah, yeah...I am. You hear? Who told you? Lilinia?'s good the word is spreading."
Etain shrugs "Some people were muttering about it."
Kazandar snickers. "I'm sure...I'm glad /I/ don't have to go around telling
people about it! I'll need help painting after all...and some drawing."
Lilinia walks in from the Female Apprentice Quarters.
Etain smiles at Lili as she walks in. One of her all too fameous nods goes
Lili's way.
Kazandar notices Lili out of the corner of his eye. He turns and waves to
her. "Hello...we were discusing my project."
Lilinia waves at the two and lies down on the sofa, turning on her side to
look at them. "Ahhh. Fun."
Kazandar smirks. "Yes...well...I was considering working on it, but I'm
feeling a tad bit lazy...however I might go anyway."
Lilinia wrinkles her nose and gives the pity look. "Don't go!" she gives him
the sad little face. Aww... you can't leave her!
Kazandar whines in his head. Not fair! Not the 'sad little face'.
Grrr..."You all /could/ come if I left?"
Lilinia pouts, quite enjoying the sofa. "I would... but I wouldn't enjoy it
at all." She grabs a pillow and rests it on top of her lap.
Kazandar shrugs. "Fine. /Be/ that way!" He snickers.
Etain shrugs "I'd paint."
Lilinia sighs and wriggles down into her chair. "I guess I'm out voted?"
Kezzra walks in from the Female Apprentice Quarters.
Etain smiles up at Kezzra, a nod goes her way.
Kazandar grins wickedly. "Oh you're /all/ going to paint, but I have to
finish drawing it first."
Kezzra sits down in her usual spot on the floor in front of the couch.
Lilinia waves to Kezzra, hoping she has someone who won't leave either. "Oh
good. So we /don't/ have to paint?" Lili grins. Yay!
Etain smiles again for no reason "What are you drawing Kaz?"
Kezzra says, "Hello."
Kazandar frowns at cause of my pain in life...He
smiles at Kezzra. "Hello."
Kezzra says, "Hello Kazandar."
Kazandar smiles at Etain too...but not Lili, the lazy one. "I'm drawing the
mural on the wall before I paint it."
Tatoria walks in from the Female Apprentice Quarters.
Etain says, "Of what?" one of her nods goes Tat's way."
Tatoria falls straight toward her chair, drawing her legs in to curl up
before peeking out at the others. "What're we talking about?"
Lilinia wrinkles her nose at Kaz. Fine, if he wants to be that way, good.
She waves to Tori, "Hey Tori!"
Kezzra walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Tatoria lifts a hand. "Hey. What're we talking about?" she repeats.
Etain looks at Kaz again "Kaz's mural which I'm trying to find out what it
is of."
Kazandar grins. "It's of the Rukbat system."
Kezzra walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Etain smiles and nods "I like it. Your j-man project I presume."
Tatoria's mouth forms a small 'O' as she nods. "Ok."
Lilinia sighs and casts the pillow off into a random corner of the sofa and
stretches, "Well... I have junk to do in the library. Work and stuff." She
waves, "See ya guys later."
Lilinia walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Kazandar smiles. "Yes..that it is..."
Etain nods again. WHy does she always do that?
Tatoria wrinkles her nose at the thought of work.. even if this work /does/
sound like fun.
Kazandar shrugs. You'd think he'd know...but /no/. He doesn't know much come
to think of it...ahem. Anyway.
Etain wonders. Kaz-bob the Bakercraft/starcraft CM doesn't know much of
Kezzra walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Kazandar knows /everything/ not /anything/. Difference.
Daiton blinks in from ::between::!
Tatoria sighs heavily, dragging her gaze over to Kaz. "So. When are you
starting on this?" In other words, when should she start being scared of Kaz
the Journeyman...
Kazandar smiles. "Acctually...I've already started." When? Now.
Tatoria sighs again. "Oh."
Lilinia opens her book back up and continues to read it, "Do you think there
could be a book on planets? I've looked /everywhere/."
Etain smiles, so many interesting books.
Kazandar shrugs. "I couldn't find one...all about planets that is.."
Lilinia sighs and pouts, "Not even one with only a lil about planets? Not
Kazandar says,"Try the astronmy book?
Etain peeks along the shelves and finds something "Planets" is the title.
Lilinia sighs and stands up to continue looking through the books. "You'd
think someone would write a book up about the planets... Considering how
/little/ we know." She runs her fingers along several different book spines,
then stops, turning back to them. "That didn't make sense, did it?"
Kazandar snickers. "No not really..." He flips through the book some more,
finds a paticular page and reads a little.
Lilinia nods, pondering this. "I didn't think so either." She continues to
run her finger along titles, looking for a book on planets.
Kazandar closes the book and heads out. "I found what I want...I'll be in
the Observatory..."
A little while later...
Lilinia walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Etain walks softly but clumsily in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Lilinia walks in and looks at all the... stuff covering the ground. "Gee...
Kazandar makes one last stroke on the wall and turns to greet them.
Lilinia blinks to take in all the stuff in here, paintbrushes, paints and
the rest. "If I hadn't been here so long, I wouldn't of been able to tell
this was the 'Servatory."
Kazandar snickers. "'s getting a little makeover..."
Etain smiles as she tries to be careful "Wnat any help?
Kazandar laughs and points to the sketch pinned to the wall. "Look at
Lilinia blinks and sits down on the floor, putting her books to the side.
"Sheesh Kaz."
Etain scans over it with her eyes "Nice, want any help?
Kazandar shrugs and grins at them. "If you want to..." He turns back to the
wall and points to a pile of things. "There's the stuff to draw with."
Lilinia looks at the drawing stuff and shakes her head. "You'd never forgive
me if I did. I am the worst drawer in all of Pern." She wrinkles her nose.
"It wouldn't be a good thing."
Etain smiles and shrugs taking something than lookig at Kaz "Proportions?"
Kazandar contiues to sketch curves on the wall. The curves begin to take
shape as a round ball. "And you can't copy of the design on the wall?"
You overhear Etain mutter, "... ... ... when ... need her?" to herself.
Kazandar steps back....hmmm...he turns to Etain. "What?"
Lilinia shakes her head, "Nope! And sharding proud of it too! Actually... I
probably could. Thing is, I wouldn't trust myself with it." She wrinkles her
nose, "I /am/ willing to read to you guys or something. Or just be a go-for
kinda person."
Etain bites he rlip and tries to copy, making lopsides shapes. She shrugs at
that, knowing this is one thing she cannot do "I can paint in the lines
Kazandar snorts and goes to get the ladder.
Lilinia walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Etain shrugs at her work and continues to attempt to work.
Athos walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Athos idly wanders in.
Kazandar smiles and waves. "Hello..."
Athos smiles and waves "Hello Bob!"
Etain nods at the boy.
Kazandar smiles. "Yeah, yeah...Bob."
Athos looks at the other girl "Etain?"
Etain nods as she continues to draw.
Kazandar smiles. "We're working on the mural. You're welcome to help."
Athos smiles at descides just to watch and bug the workers
Kazandar shrugs and pulls the ladder closer to the wall. Then he climbs it
up a little ways and continues the curved line he's drawing.
Etain smiles for no apparent reason. She continues making the planet she
hads been workin on "This wall suddenly seems bigger"
Kazandar chuckles and climbs another rung. "Yeah...especially when you have
to use a ladder!"
Lilinia looks up from her book and smiles at him, "Hey." She closes the
book up and puts it down next to her.
Kazandar smiles. "Hello...back in here?" He walks over to a pile of..'stuff'
and picks up a few things.
Lilinia shrugs and stands up, pushing herself off the ground, "It was pretty
much the only empty place in this whole hall."
Kazandar chuckles and begins to climb up his ladder. "Not anymore.."
Lilinia shrugs and leans against a wall. "Oh well. I think I'll survive. I
just hope Tala doesn't suddenly appear. She's been such a pain lately."
Calais walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kazandar shrugs and cantinues to draw. "I haven't seen her around.."
Calais, hearing noise from the Observatory, investigates. He sees Kaz and
Lili there... "H'llo."
Lilinia chuckles from her spot along the wall. "Lucky." She turns her head
and waves at Cal, "Hey!"
Kazandar waves to Cal from his perch on the ladder and continues to draw.
Calais grins, and grabs Lili by the shoulder, "I need to talk to you."
Lilinia turns and looks at Cal and his hand on her shoulder. "Hmm? What
Calais sighs, "I can't hold on to this right now..." He gives Lili a
Lilinia raises an eyebrow, "Um... Why not?" Oookay. And she thought she
didn't make sense. Lilinia bites her lip, trying not to laughing, "How come you can't keep this with you now?"
Calais shrugs, "Ummm... will you be quiet if I tell you..." He looks up at
the ladder, "You too Kaz."
Kazandar nods and draws some more. "Sure..sure.."
Lilinia nods, "Yeah... I won't say anything..." She pushes lock of hair
back. It's starting to become a pain to have long hair.
Calais sighs, and stuffs his hand... nowhere. "Kezzra and I aren't getting
along right now..."
Lilinia blinks several times, not grasping this. "Explain."
Kazandar listens and draws. Yadda Yadda.
Calais shrugs, "I don't know... I'm really tired of her not talking to me."
Lilinia awwws and gives him a hug, "You poor thing! How come she isn't
talking to you?"
Kazandar laughs up on the ladder. "Really? I have trouble having her /not/
talk to me!"
Calais rolls his eyes, "I don't know.. but I can't take it." He looks beyond
caring, though he takes a pretend kick at the ladder.
Lilinia sighs and goes into that motherly love mode thing that she does so
well. "Awww Cal. Do you know what Tala is running around screaming about
lately?" She gives him another hug, the poor guy.
Calais grins at the hug... *CHOCOLATE?* and shakes his head, "No... what
about Tala?"
Lilinia puts her arm around his neck and starts off, "Well... Tala has been
going about saying that Kezz never had a name, because their parents hated
her so much, then she's saying Kezz had a name, but her parents hated her so
much they took it away. And this supposed name is Laryssa or something. And
Tala was going off about how as 'Kezz' she's all closed up and quiet and
stuff, but as 'Laryssa' she's open and happy and whatever. Don't ask me. I
personally think Tala is a crazed little sister looking for attention."
Calais huhs, "Oh-kay..." He remains silent.
Lilinia nods, "Yep. I personally don't pay attention to it. But that's me."
She gives a little shrug.
Kazandar continues to sketch on the wall. "Me either. But then I don't pay
attention to much at all."
Lilinia wrinkles her nose and looks up at Kaz, "You never pay attention to
anything. I'd know."
Kazandar turns around and sticks out his tounge. "Pah! You know nothing!"
Calais grins at the bickering... maybe he should leave.
Lilinia sighs and nods, "Yes I do! How much would you like to bet Kaz?" She
sticks the hand that isn't around Cal's neck on her hip.
Lilinia walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Calais grins, "So whats up?"
Kazandar grins down at him from the ladder. "I working on my project."
Calais nods, "I thought so."
Kazandar grins. "Help is always welcome."
Calais grins, "I'll help... what though?"
Kazandar points to the drawing stuck to the wall. "Get some tools for
drawing on the floor...and draw that on the wall. Like me."
Calais grabs a tool and does like Kaz. "Very nice."
Kazandar rolls his eyes. "Anyway...If you need a ladder...there are some
over soon as I finnish the sketch I'll begin to paint..."
Calais grins, "I'm tall... " As he stretches he sighs, "Or maybe not..." He
grabs a ladder.
Lilinia walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Calais swings from the ladder, having slipped on the rungs, "Whee?"
Lilinia walks in and waves, "Anything new happening?" She takes her place
leaning against the wall.
Kazandar grins. "Careful with them...some are tipsy." He waves to whoever
came in a sketches some more.
Calais swings from the ladder, "Nope."
Lilinia watches both of them and chuckles. "Ahah... If either of you kill
youself I'll never forgive you. Got that?" She shoves her hands in her
pockets and ponders exactly /what/ they are doing.
Kazandar laughs. "Well...I'll just have to try not to..." He continues to
sketch...almost...done with this one...
Calais pulls himself up and starts back on the sketch, "Dah dah duh."
Lilinia shudders a bit, not being one for ladders. "Are you sure you guys
won't fall?" she bites her lip, worried about both of them.
Calais turns to looks at her, grabs the rungs and slides down to the second
rung. He grins evilly and launches himself at Lili. "HA HA HA!"
Kazandar grins and...finishes Rukbat! Yes! "Naw...not likely."
Lilinia eeks and turns slightly towards the wall, covering her eyes, "Calais
I'll kill you! Not funny!"
Not being able to stop, Calais crashes into Lili. "Whoops!"
Lilinia eeks as Cal crashes into her, "CALAIS! You dead glow! OY!
Kazandar didn't see Cal swing onto Lili and whirls around when she yells.
"Wha? Whooo..whaaaaa....," Not surprisingly he turned around to fast and
wasn't able to catch his balance and...well...falls. BOOM! Luckly he wasn't
up too high. "ACK!"
Lilinia tries to look past Cal as she hears Kaz, "Oh great... Cal! Get off
of me!" She tries pushing him off. She /really/ needs to work out and get
Calais looks up from the floor. "Kaz!" He jumps up, pulling Lili wiht him by
the hand.
Nyx enters slowly, enters cautiously: she has heard rumors about a Project
of sorts going on in the Observatory for quite some time, but has managed to
avoid notice thus far.
Lilinia acks as she's dragged across the floor by Calais. She sort of
tumbles back into him, promising herself that she'll never be alone with
these two again. It's dangerous. She gains her balance back, "Kaz! You
Kazandar, sprawled out on the floor, blinks open his eyes and squints at the
world. "Eeerrmmummermmrmm..."
Calais grabs Kazandar, "Hey...You okay?" He squats down.
Kazandar winces and growl/chokes out, "Don'"
Lilinia kneels by Kaz and Cal, "Let go of him stupid!" She sighs and brushes
his hair away from his forehead, "You okay dear?" Meanwhile, she elbows Cal
in the arm.
Kezzra walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Calais swallows hard, "Sorry." Wrong choice of words.
Nyx peers, blinks, and backs away from where she came, almost running into
Kezzra in the process. This is Odd.
Kazandar blinks open his eyes a little more. "Everything's...a little
Kezzra walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Lilinia sighs and gets /very/ tempted to do something she shouldn't, but
stops herself. "You poor thing!" She looks down at him and takes his hand
and holds it. "I can't believe you Cal! Dear Faranth!" Lili gives him a
death glare.
Calais humphs...and leaves.
Calais walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Nyx is already in the process of leaving. Curiousity DID kill the beast...
or at least caused the Nyx to flee.
Nyx idly wanders to the Main Hall Balcony.
Lilinia wrinkles her nose and sighs. "Great! Just great..." She looks down
at Kaz. "Um... Kaz? Will you be alright?"
Kazandar winces. "I'm't../that/..bad..a fall..." He
blinks to get his eyes a little clearer.
Lilinia sighs, looking for a chair, of course there isn't one. "Kaz... I
told you two to not be stupid... but of course you both nearly get killed.
Go figure." She sighs and wipes a little tear away.
Kazandar smiles a little out of the corner of his mouth, just a little.
"Well...can I I was..worried you and hurt..."
Lilinia pulls her hair out of the way, "Kazandar, if you ever hurt yourself
again, I'll never forgive you!" She bites her lip, "You're just as stupid as
Cal is!"
Kazandar wrinkles his nose. "I /know/ I'm stupid....and...well..I'm going to
hurt myself again..eventually at least." He blinks again and can see! For
the most part.
Lilinia sighs. "You scared me to death Kaz! Be more careful for crying out
Kazandar twitches his fingers a little and smiles. "Alright..alright...I'll
be more careful..."
Lilinia pokes him lightly in the arm, "You better be. Otherwise I'll have to
start flirting with Cal, and that can be a bad thing."
Kazandar rolls his eyes. "Haha...he'll kill you! Not intentionly of
Lilinia chuckles, "Good point. I'd die before even kissing him. Go figure."
Kazandar smiles and tries to sit up. "Ooo..." Nope. not ready. He lies back
Caeli glides in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Daiton glides in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Lilinia wrinkles her nose. "Lay down for awhile... Really.... That's all you
need, to get dizzy and pass out." She squeezes his hand.
Kezzra walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kezzra says, "Lilinia..."
Kazandar blinks. New person? "I'll lay down....Hello?"
Lilinia turns to look at Kezz, from her spot next to Kaz, "Hey Kezz..." She
sighs, quite upset at the moment.
Kezzra was going to ask something, but instead asks, "Is everything
Lilinia walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Kezzra walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Cuthbert Floats away like a breath of air in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Cuthbert waves a greeting. "How is your project coming along?"
Kazandar smiles and points to the half-drawn wall. "There it is..."
Cuthbert walks over, places his hand on his chin and hmmms. "I'm no art
critic, but this looks very good!"
Kamikaze glides in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kazandar shrugs and grins. "Ah...that's just the rough sketch. A better idea
of what it will look like done is on the wall there." He points to a small
sketch on the wall.
Etain walks softly but clumsily in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kamikaze looks at his humanpet, now we can have some fun. He flies around
more taking everything he can in, what are they doing?
Cuthbert gestures "I especially like the brilliant use of...blackness. It
brings out the other colors so well."
Kazandar snickers. "That's space!" He waves at Etain who just came in.
Etain looks over at Kaz and smiles "Nice and black."
Cuthbert wonders how Kaz and wonders how he ever came up with the idea of
using /black/ instead of some other color, like really dark blue.
Calais walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kazandar grins at Etain. "Shush..."
Cuthbert waves to Calais. "Look at all the black. Isn't it amazing?"
Etain notices that more is finished than there used to be, "Need any help?"
Calais grins and walks over, "I believe I helped with some of that Cuth."
Cuthbert ooohs. "Did you paint some of the...blackness? You have real
Kazandar shrugs. "I'm not working on it anymore today...but I'll be up
tomarrow to keep at it." He peers at Cuth. "Paint?'s all drawn right
now..Oh! You're looking at the wall sketch. I'm the only one who worked on
the sketch on the wall..."
Calais shrugs, "It takes talent. What can I say?" He wanders over to Etain,
"Hows everything...?"
Daiton glides in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kamikaze refuses to get bored today. Humanpets are intreasting.
Etain looks at Kaz "I was helping you for that past four nights, remember?"
She smiles at Cal "I got Kamikaze today." She smiles again happily "You?"
Calais points up, "Nothing really... Caeli's been watching the happenings in
Cuthbert excuses himself and begins staring at nothing.
Kazandar thinks it's hard to stare at nothing considering the cluttered-ness
of the room.
Kamikaze sees the perfect vict-er-volunteer. He slowly and quietly flies up
to a far corner of the room.
Calais walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Kamikaze puts his plan into action. He starts to fly as fast as his small
body can take him, getting closer and closer to Cuthbert's head.
Cuthbert comes out of his trance and dives to the floor. "AAAACCK!"
Kamikaze pulls out of his dive just in time not to hit Cuthbert. He chitters
happily at seeing him dive, Mission accomplished.
Cuthbert returns to his feet, chuckling at Kamikaze's prank.
Ananda walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Ananda wanders in following Etain's sent. He smiles a doggy smiles at her
and looks around.
The housekeeper arrives to cart Calais off to bed.
Cuthbert is also confused. He does not seem to be moving.
Ananda walks over to Cuthbert and starts to lick his face.
Kezzra walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kezzra says, "Hi..."
Etain smiles up at Kezzra "Lo"
Cuthbert waves from his position on the floor. "Look out! There are crazy
animals in here!"
Kazandar nods. "That there are..."
Kezzra giggles, and looks to Etain. "Andy?"
Etain smiles and lets out a little laugh. "I'm just drawn to them."
Tatoria walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kezzra walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Tatoria blinks around the observatory as she comes in, idly tossing her comb
from hand to hand. "Are you painting?"
Kazandar, on the top rungs of a ladder, continues to paint. Stroke, stroke.
At the sound of noise he turns his head. "Ah..Hello. Kezz. Tat. Yes...I'm
Tatoria attempts to drag the comb through wet tangles again. "Want help?"
Yup, she bored. And offering to help.
Kezzra would offer to help, but it hurts and she's not going to admit it.
Kazandar smiles down at Tatoria. "Sure...the paint's over there...," He
gestures to a pile of stuff, "and the brushes are by them...ladders't paint /over/ the lines or I won't beable to paint the
planets later...erm..I think that's it?"
Kezzra says, "I'd help but,...."
Kazandar nods. "But...?"
Kezzra says, "..umm...I have ta work on somethin'." That's it. Yep have ta
work on something.
Tatoria sighs slightly as she gives up and decides to just /leave/ her hair
in wet tangles. "Well. I'll help. Where should I start?"
Kezzra is a good lier? Well like Isamu said a good lier but a bad walker.
She walks out stumbleing a bit.
Kazandar shrugs at Kezz and then again at Tat. To Kezz he says, "Well, then
you should go /do/ it." Not that he belives her. To Tat he says, "Anywhere
that's not a planet of that's already black!"
Kezzra walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Tatoria ahs softly. "Ok... black paint, then?"
Kazandar nods and goes back to painting. Stroke stroke. " the
night sky...which is what we're painting."
Tatoria drops her comb into a small pocket with a sigh and goes to pick up a
brush. "But black is so /boring/!"
Kazandar laughs. "Ah...but just /wait/ 'till you get to paint the planets!
/Those/ have colors."
Tatoria smiles at that, dipping her brush into the .. black. Ug. "If you say
Kazandar begins to climb down the ladder. "And I /do/ say so."
Tatoria rolls her eyes at Kaz as she waves her brush at him - sending small
splatters of black paint flying. "Ooops!" She didn't do that on purpose.
/Really/! And it was just a very tiny bit.
Kazandar is glad he's still up on that ladder, but he closes his eyes
anyway. Slowly he opens one, then the other. Ok. Safe. He begins to climb
the rest of the way down. "/Careful/."
Tatoria sticks a tongue out at Kaz. "Careful!" she mutters. "I don't /have/
to help you," she points out with another wave of the brush. Ooops.
Kazandar winces as he's splattered with paint. " know..splattering
paint on me /isn't/ helping..."
Daiton chirps at Tori. Watch where that paint is going! He's bronze not
Tatoria plops down on the floor without much care as to wherr she lands. She
crosses her arms, then her legs, and stares up at Kaz. "Fine. Then I won't
Kazandar shrugs and moves the ladder over a few feet. "Suit yourself." He
climbs up again. " out for falling paint. The tarp catches it from
hitting the floor, but not you since you're /on/ the tarp."
Tatoria tilts her head up to watch Kaz. "You wouldn't dare," she states.,
thinking falling paint /must/ but intentional. "This is my only dress since
the other one got all ruined." Sniff.
Kazandar dips the brush in the paint and begins to paint again. "No..I
wouldn't, but I /am/ a messy painter and you /are/ under me."
Tatoria waves her brush up at Kaz, intending to scold him, but only managing
to drip paint in her hair. Well. Might as well blame it on someone else.
"Hey!" she calls. "Watch what you're doing!"
Kazandar dips the brush in the paint again and is about to begin painting,
when he turns suddenly. "What?" Of course turning made the paint drip.
Tatoria blinks up at Kaz, mouth open to reply. And is hit right on the nose
with a splat of paint. "Ohhhhhhh!" she manages!
Kazandar hmmms. Stupid paint. "Sorry." He turns back to painting.
Tatoria rubs at her nose - a movement which just makes the paint smear even
more. "Kaz! Be /careful/! Or I won't help you!" As if she's being such a big
help anyway...
Kazandar frowns but doesn't look at her. "I /will/. And like I said before,
you're /not/ helping me!"
Tatoria takes her hand away from her nose to study the black smear that
decorates her palm. Too bad she can't see the bigger one across her nose.
"Yes I am!" she argues. "I'm going to tell you if you miss a spot!"
Kazandar can't help it, he laughs. "/That/ does me a world of good! Haha!"
Tatoria sighs heavily. She's so unappreciated. "It does!" she insists.
"Other wise you'd have big.. um.. blank spots!"
Kazandar laughs again. "Hahaha! I /think/ I'd see big blank spots! Hahaha!"
Tatoria narrows her eyes, paint brush brandished like a... well, like
something that could get paint on Kaz. "Hey! Be /nice/!"
Kazandar snorts. "I /am/ nice!" He continues to paint. He /shouldn't/ say
anything else...but he's Kaz! "But you aren't very."
Tatoria's eyes fly wide open again, and her jaw drops. "What?" she exlaims.
Uh oh.. wrong thing to say...
Kazandar continues to paint. Doh! "You're sitting down there 'helping' and
critizizing me!"
Tatoria scrambles to her feet, brush still wielded like some sort of
dangerous weapon. "Oh, you mean you want me to /paint/?" she asks
Kazandar rolls his eyes. "Well...getting paint and a brush doesn't do me
much good if you don't use them! And /not/ on me!"
Tatoria blinks. Does he suspect? Does it really matter? Ooo. On second
thought. Maybe painting Kaz isn't such a good idea. After all, he hits
pretty hard. She sighs loudly - loud enough to be sure he'll notice her
sacrifice - and slops paint on the wall at random. "Humph!"
Kazandar almost falls from the ladder as her turns to see her painting..and
is scared? Startled? Hmmm..scartled? "NONONO! DON'T COVER THE LINES!"
Tatoria flicks her paintbrush upward, sending spots flying again. "YOU!" she
shouts back "ARE UNGRATEFUL!"
Kazandar growls. "Get out! If you can't paint right don't help!! Because
it's NOT helping!"
Tatoria blinks, her paintbrush falling to her side. And blinks again. And...
sniffs? No! Not Tat! She doesn't cry when people yell at her. Especially not
by /Kaz/! "Fine then," she mutters, still blinking.
Baranor walks quickly and silently out in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kazandar goes back to painting. Muttering about incompitence and
unusefulness and stupidity and not listening..and many other things. Bah!
Stroke Stroke!
Tatoria slides to the floor again. Not crying, of course. Just... resting.
That's it.
Baranor bows as he enters. "So, need any help?"
Kazandar snorts and turns to see Baranor in the room. Help? He's had enough
of Tat's kind of help..maybey Baranor can help him. "Yup....willing to
Tatoria crosses her arms again, leaning against the wall. In a non-painted
spot, of course. She grasps her brush tightly and blinks. She's good at
blinking. Blinking and glaring. Yup.
Baranor nods emphatically, but shrugs his shoulders. "I'd like to help, but
I've never painted before. I'm sure I'll catch on quick though."
Tatoria peeks up, finally stopping with the blinking. Ha! She won! No tears!
"You don't want to help him. He's ungrateful! And /mean/!
Kazandar grins. "Well the paint is over there...and the brushes..., "He
points to one of the piles of stuff. " paint like this..see?" He
strokes the wall making it black with paint. "Um...if you need a ladder
there over there too.." He's on one himself. "Um...don't paint on the lines
of in one of the circles. Yup." He glares at Tat and goes back to painting.
Baranor smiles. "I'm sure he has a different story."
Tatoria glares at Kaz - her other talent - and deliberatly plants her brush
over a line and /swipes/. Did he see that? She sure hopes so...
Kazandar growls at Tatoria. Of /course/ he saw! He's not blind! "GET OUT!
/DON'T/ ruin this for me and everyone else! OUT!"
Tatoria stares at him, not even blinking this time. And swipes down another
line. He can't hurt her with a /witness/. Right?
Baranor walks over to the pile, picking up a pail of the black stuff. "Looks
simple enough. I think I can do that." Steps over to the wall dipping his
brush into the pail, and begins to paint. He uses way too small strokes
trying to avoid the lines. At this rate he will be done by the end of the
NEXT pass!
Baranor laughs then turns to Tatoria. "Maybe he does have a bit of a
Baranor winks at Tatoria.
Kazandar frowns at them all. "I do /not/!" He'll deney it to his death...he
Tatoria arcs a brow at Baranor. "You have no idea..." she mutters as she
dangles the brush. She doesn't want to ruin the mural. Really. It's just
that Kaz is being so /mean/!
Baranor walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Kazandar growls...but continues to paint....that girl...
Tatoria walks slowly and deliberatley toward the paint, dipping her brush in
again. And shoots a look at Kaz. Then the mural. Hmmm...
Kazandar will not overreact...unless she does something that makes him
overreact...he /just/ wants to paint! That's all!
Tatoria decides to be good. Really. And begins to paint very carefully
/between/ the lines.
Kazandar sneeks a glance at Tat. She...she's /painting/! She's painting
/right/! Whoohoo! But how long will it last?
It will last until Kaz makes her mad again, of course. That's how long it
usually lasts. Tatoria swipes the brush up and down, frowning as she covers
a bit of a line. It was an accident!
Kazandar winces. It was only a /little/ of a line. Let it go Kaz...Let it
go...He continues to paint as if he never saw that....he didn't
Tatoria winces herself - at Kaz's look. She opens her mouth the defend
herself, then closes it. Then opens it. Then decides against it and closes
it again. And focuses on painting. Her frown deepens as she covers just a
bit of another line. She can't help it if she's a lousy painter!
Kazandar sighs. CONTROL! You need to control can do it! It's
only a little bit of a line! Although /why/ she's painting near a line when
there are so many other places to paint...*sigh*
She's painting near a line because it's where she started to paint! Tatoria
keeps going, her tongue poking out slightly as she concentrates. And covers
a bit more of the line. Wow, all these little bits sure add up to a lot of
the line being covered...
Kazandar can't stand it any more. "STOP PAINTING ON MY LINES!" He gives
in...even thought he knows that's what she wanted him to do. Darn. Can't he
just paint in peace? Almost done with the top right corner...sigh.
Tatoria wasn't doing it on purpose! Really! "I...I...Maybe I just shouldn't
paint," she suggests quietly. Uh oh. She's blinking again. She can't help it
if she's a lousy painter!
Kazandar growls but manages to say, "Try painting /away/ from my
lines...maybey you could do that?"
Tatoria blinks and moves over a bit to a space with fewer lines. "Ok," she
Kazandar paints a little! He climbs
down off of the ladder and inspects his work. Not bad...not bad....He looks
over at Tat. Humph. He drags the ladder over to the other side of the mural
and around Tat.
Tatoria squishes in toward the wall as Kaz moves around her, one hand
reaching up to scratch at her nose - and spreading even more paint across
her nose and cheek. She takes a /large/ swipe with the brush. No lines!
Kazandar sets up the ladder and climbs up it. Ahh...another corner to paint
in. Careful not to paint any lines he begins to paint again. Dip, stroke
stroke stroke. Dip...
Tatoria finds another line. Somehow, in that whole, huge, big space, she
find the one line. And promptly paints over. And then frowns, stealing a
glance up at Kaz. Uh oh. She didn't mean to. Maybe he didn't see... maybe
she can wipe it off....
Kazandar growls. "The rags are by the brushes," he says tight lipped. If she
screws up one more time...he'll...he'll...take away her paint and brush.
Angrily he paints the area quickly.
Tatoria frowns, resolutely /not/ blinking. Not much, anyway. She retreats
slowly to get a rag. Sniff.
Kazandar doesn't care. This project /was/ fun, but /no/ someone as to ruin
it for him. Not surprisingly it's Tat. He paints...and paints....avoiding
lines mostly but painting over some in his anger, which doesn't help as he
only gets angry at himself too now.
Tatoria carefully selects a rag. A very nice rag. A rag that will surely get
her paint off the lines. Right? She moves to her spot and begins to rub,
frowning as the still-wet black paint smears over more of the line. '
Kazandar sighs. He's just going ot give up now...and come back with better
painters tomarrow..."Want to stop now Tat?" He asks hopefully? /He/ isn't
going to stop though...
Tatoria sniffs up at Kaz. "Stop? Are we done for tonight?" Notice the 'we'?
He's stuck with her til he quits!
Kazandar climbs down from the ladder. "Yeah...see? I'm not on the ladder
anymore..." That's reason enought to belive he stopping.
Tatoria shakes her head, tangled hair flying in every-which direction. "I
think I'll just finish my spot here..."
Kazandar sighs. "I think your done..."
Tatoria shakes her head again, one hand rubbing at her smeared nose. "No. I
want to get this part," she insists helpfully, still scrubbing at the line
with one hand while the other grasps her brush.
Kazandar sighs again. " do that and I'll just paint this part
right here..." He begins to paint the part behind the ladder.
Tatoria nods, deciding that she's scrubbed enough.. now if she can just
cover the smears with paint... Her tongue pokes out again as she bends to
her task, swiping paint on. She really forms a rather humorous picture.
Tangeled hair stands on end now that it's been left to dry on its own, and
her face is smudged with black paint. Not to mention the paint smeared on
her hands! And the rather cross-eyed look she's adapted to study the wall...
oh my.
Kazandar continues to paint. Seems he's not getting out of her help
Tatoria nearly bites her tongue as she hits the line again. Well, a little
scrubbing will fix that... kinda... She rubs at it with the rag, smearing
paint across the wall.
Kazandar growls and in a low voice says. "'re making it worse..."
Tatoria is concentrating hard... so hard she doesn't hear Kaz. Or at least
doesn't pay any attention to him. She continues to rub black paint across
the wall in her effort to remove it.
Kazandar yells. "TAT WILL YOU STOP IT!" She's making him as mad as he was
with Kezz a few nights ago. He's really got to learn to chill out.
Tatoria jumps as she's yelled at.. again. She pulls her rag back toward her
and glances over at Kaz catiously. "I'm fixing it..." she tries to explain.
Kazandar sighs and shakes his head cooling off...a little. "No you're not.
Step back and look what you did. You smeered it all over. That isn't fixing
Tatoria frowns, stepping back a few feet - she doesn't really have much
choice. "I'm gonna /fix/ it" she insists. "I can paint over it!"
Kazandar sighs. It's already ruined. He'll just fix it later...when she's
gone...yeah. He finishes the little corner he was painting to stall her and
climbs back up the ladder.
Tatoria sets her shoulders with determination. She will fix it! And she'll
stay and help paint 'til Kaz leaves! She's being /helpful/! She brandishes
her paintbrush again, beginning to cover the smears with careful strokes.
Stroke stroke dip. Stroke stroke dip. Stroke stroke...."How are you doing
down there?" Kazandar calls.
Tatoria glances up slightly. "Good," is all she manages. She's
concentrating. A bit more of the smear is covered. There! You can hardly
tell that she'd messed up... Hardly...
Kazandar is almost proud of Tat...almost. He's afraid if he's proud she'll
screw up again. Sigh. It's hard being a Kazandar.
Tatoria blinks slowly as she wields her brush carefully. Must.. not...
paint... lines... /Slow/ strokes cover more and more of the smear, and fill
in her little corner between lines. By the time she's done, you won't even
be able to tell she's a lousy painter!
Kazandar finishes the other corner smiles proudly at it. He peers down at
Tat. Ha! She's /really/ doing an ok job!
Tatoria is! Really! She hasn't slipped in.. almost ten minutes. She steps
back to examine her work with pride. A whole section filled in! And no
smears! "Kaz! Look!" she exclaims, waving her brush to get his attention.
Ooo. Waving a brush with paint on it might not be a good idea. But none of
it splattered on the wall... right? She doesn't dare look.
Kazandar climbs down off of the ladder and steps beside Tatoria to examine
what she did. "Nice.." Aside from a little smudge and splatter, but he
doesn't say that.
Tatoria beams at the praise, her eyes not even noticing the smudges and
splatters. "Thanks!" She glances critically up at Kaz's corner. "Yours looks
ok, too."
Kazandar rolls his eyes and goes to dump his brush in the water bucket.
"Thanks.." Oh brother! "Clean's really too late to still do this."
Tatoria frowns over at Kaz. "Too late? But /look/! I'm just getting good!
Maybe I should do another section," she suggests with another waves of her
Kazandar nods. "Yes...I'd rather not have people painting without me here
and I'm going to bed. You can paint some more tomarrow. I think you'll still
Tatoria beams again, her smile taking over her paint-smeared face. "We can
paint more later?" she questions as her own brush is dropped into the
Kazandar nods. "Yes...I'll be painting more tomarrow..." He puts the paint
away and washes off his hands in the bucket.
Tatoria dips her own hands in the bucket, scrubbing them a bit. "Good!" she
says as she wipes dripping hands on her skirt. "All clean."
Kazandar shakes his hands dry and grins. "Yeah...see you tomarrow." He
gestures for her to leave and begins to walk out.
Tatoria follows Kaz, reaching up to rub at her nose again. "Ok. I'll come
help you, since I'm doing so well," she offers. Nice of her, hmm?
Kazandar rolls his eyes. Splendid. "Good night Tat."
Lilinia walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Lilinia skips in, finally happy in weeks and grins, "Hey!"
Kazandar peers down at her from on top of a ladder where he's putting the
last touches on the black paint. "Hello..."
Lilinia grins and waves at him. She walks up to the ladder and places a hand
on the side of it, "How are you?"
Kazandar smiles and swishes one last stroke on the wall before he climbs
down. When he reaches the bottom he grins at her. "I finished painting the
wall black." Great?
Lilinia smiles sweetly, "Congrads... By the way..." She pauses a moment,
"I'm sorry about being evil and stuff lately. I promise to be good and sweet
for a long time."
Kazandar rolls his eyes and laughs. "Hahahahahaha! You were evil? You didn't
see me when I was researching this project! /That/ was evil! Hahaha!" He's
taking this /very/ seriously.
Lilinia brushes her hair back, "Well... I'm finally finished, so this
eternal evilness'll stop... I haven't noticed you being evil.... You're
always /so/ sweet..." Lili sticks out her tounge.
Kazandar rolls his eyes and grimaces as he walks over to the water bucket.
"Ha! Tat doesn't think so...and I'm not nice..I'm evil..and mean. Grr..." He
drops his brush into the water bucket.
Lilinia chuckles and follows him with her eyes. "Right... Horrible."
Kazandar gets a new bucket and brush and nods. "That's right! So you'd
better be's dangerous being around me."
Lilinia nods, trying to be serious, "Okay... what happens if I'm not
careful?" Lili teases, "Do I get thrown into the lake or something?"
Kazandar pretends to be serious as he walks over to the mural again.
" get thrown off the balcony."
Lilinia chuckles, "Okay... I'll be good. No naughty Lili here..." She looks
at the mural and adds, "Want help?"
Kazandar opens the paint, white this time, and dips in a brush. "Do you want
to help? Last time you didn't."
Lilinia wrinkles her nose, "I /want/ to help... I /need/ to help... It's my
calling. I'll do something dangerous and evil if I /don't/ get to help..."
She tilts her head to the side, "Please?"
Kazandar rolls his eyes,. "Well..I wouldn't want to have to throw you off
the balcony. Um...get some white paint and a /stiff/ bristle brush..." He
waves to where he got his paint and brush.
Amy walks happily with a smile on her face in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Lilinia nods, "Yes master..." She grabs a white brush and some paint,
"Okay... What should I do Lord Kazandar?"
Kazandar waves to Amy. "Hello...can I help you?"
Amy shrugs. "Just came here to look around. Heard you were working on a
project." Wow, how slow information goes to her.
Kazandar grins and nods. "Yes I am and you're welcome to help." He turns
back to Lili. " dip the brush lightly in the white paint...." He
dips his brush. "And then run you finger long this bristles like this.." He
does just that and drops of white paint go flying at the wall. "See? Stars."
Kiyata walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kiyata smiles.
Kiyata is confuddled..."Very many people. Who's Calais?"
Kiyata says, "Hi."
Lilinia turns around from painting and waves, "Hey... can I help you?"
Kazandar turns as well. "Hello there!" He waves and continues to
spray/splatter paint on the wall.
Kiyata kablinks.
Calais walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Amy hmms as she opens and closes her hands, "What is there that I could help
Calais slips into the Observatory silently, and slides down the wall to
crouch there.
Kiyata glances at Cal.
Kazandar smiles. "Anyone who wants to help paint...Ladders, White paint, and
stiff brushes are over there...," He points to the pile of stufff, "And you
just do what Lili and I are doing here." He flicks more little white paint
dots onto the wall.
Calais pulls out an apple from his pack and chomps down, savoring the full
flavor. He /would/ help, but he's eating.
Kiyata goes and gets a brush. "Where should I start?
Kazandar smiles at her and sends a flick of paint at the wall. "Where ever
you want, but choose a spot that hasn't been painted already." He stops
painting and puts down his things. Looking around he spots his ladder and
drags it over.
Lilinia chuckles and turns and notices Cal. "Lazy!" she smirks and continues
to flick paint at the wall, "By the way, I'm Lili... Nice to meet you... if
my hand was clean, I'd shake yours, but..."
Kiyata says, "Oh yeah. I'm Kiyata for anybody who doesn't know me..."
Calais chuckles, "You may want to paint the wall." He gets up, having
finished his apple, and grabs a brush.
Amy nods slowly as she walks over and takes a paintbrush and a can of white
paint. Carefully walking over to a place that hasn't been painted yet, she
sets the can down. Amy looks around, takes a deep breath, and dips the
paintbrush into the white paint. She glances over to see how to flick the
paint, and doesn't seem confused at all. This is quite easy to her, even
though Amy hasn't painted before.
Kiyata grins and attacks wall, in the process spattering herself with paint
Kazandar takes his paint and brush in hand again and climbs up the ladder.
Reaching the top his sets the paint down. "Ah...I'm Kazandar, Kaz and this
is my J-man project you're working on."
Lilinia chuckles, and decides not to mention her lack of artistic talent.
"So... you in a craft?" She continues to paint, hoping it doesn't get over
her clothing.
Calais shakes his head and dips he brush into the paint, then splatters the
wall with large strokes. He glances at his handy-work, finds it adequate and
Kiyata says, "OoooO! Oh well, if it's your j-man project that I'm painting,
I'll try not to ruin it."
Kazandar snickers. "Good...I'd hate to have to throw you off the balconey,"
he jokes as he flicks more paint at the wall.
Amy goes home.
Kiyata notices that the question was directed at her and says, "No, I'm not
in a craft right now." She sniggers. "Are you so sure you don't want to
right now?"
Picking up where Amy left off, Cal flicks more paint, deeply intrigued with
what he is doing. A simple job for a simple man...sorta.
Kiyata falls off the ladder. "Eeeeeek!"
Lilinia chuckles and decides she'll get this girl into the craft if it
kills her... unless of course, she's thrown off the balcony by Kaz first...
"Ehh... he won't kill you. I won't let him. Unless I get kil..." She runs
overs to Kiya, "You okay?!?"
Kiyata sputters paint "Yeah."
Kazandar peers down. " more careful?" Is suggested. Ha! This from
someone who fell off himself.
Kiyata goes home.
Calais walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Sapphire blinks in from ::between::!
Lilinia continues to splatter paint on the walls and brushes a wisp of hair
back, "Well... she was nice. I like her."
Kazandar snickers. "Hope she didn't hurt herself too bad..kinda sad everyone
left so suddenly..."
Lilinia nods, and looks back down at her skirt, "Ditto... on the other hand,
/you/ survived..."
Kazandar pats his back and grins. "Yup...managed /not/ to fall. Which is
good..not sure how much of that my back could take.." Flick. Flick.
Lilinia rolls her eyes, "Good point." Lili looks up at the ladders, "We
really need new ladders. I don't trust those anymore..." More paint is
splattered up on the wall.
Splat. Splat. Ah...done. Kaz climbs down off the ladder. "Why? This one has
worked well so far..." He pushes the ladder over a few feet and climbs back
up. Flick, splat.
Lilinia moves slightly to the right and continues on the stars, "Dunno...
they just... agh. You've fallen off, and so has Kiya. That's not a /good/
Kazandar winces. "No...falling usually isn't, but I'm used to falling...I
don't know if she is. One of these days I'm going to kill myself
falling...well...hopefully not." More paint splats onto the wall. The two of
them are making quick work of this.
Lilinia gives a weak smile and nods. "Don't kill yourself..." she says
quietly. She continues to paint away and notices the whole wall is nearly
filled with little stars.
Kazandar smiles down at her and begins to climb down again. "I won't I
won't...why would I do that? Don't be silly."
Lilinia shrugs and looks up at him, "I don't know... I'm suppose to be
silly... It's part of my job description."
Kazandar hops down off the bottom rung and grins. "Really? I didn't know you
/had/ a job description. What's the rest?"
Lilinia smirks, "Well... there's taunting people, and making fools of
everyone, um... being regulary obnoxious... there's more bout I doubt you
want to hear it." She gives a little shrug.
Kazandar wrinkles his nose. "You make yourself seem a lot worse than you
really are..." He /looks/ interested. Could he really be? "Ok..what's the
Lilinia smirks, teasing, "Oh you wouldn't want to know..." She wraps her
arms around his neck, resting them on his shoulders, "Wouldn't interest
Kazandar snorts and pokes her. "That's not fair! Leading me on and then not
telling me...that's /cruel/."
Lilinia nods and gives a little indifferent shrug, "Yeah... I know. I'm also
cruel. Forgot that..." She smiles angelically, "Don't you love it?"
Tatoria walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Tatoria stands in the doorway, hands planted on her hips as she surveys the
painted wall. "Yup."
Kazandar is on a ladder again. Can of paint and brush in hand he turns to
look down. "Hello? Yup what?"
Tatoria nods, her look one of smug satisfaction. "Yup. My part looks the
Kazandar rolls his eyes and dips his brush in the yellow paint. "Please
spare me." Stroke stroke. Yup...looks good.
Tatoria frowns before shaking her hand, sending her hair swinging across her
back. He didn't mean it. Kaz is just in a bad mood. Yup. Ooo, but that
yellow looks fun. "Need help?" she asks brightly. "I bet not all of the
Starries can paint..."
Kazandar growls but pretends it's all ok and continues to paint. Stroke,
stroke. "Nope...I'm doing fine thanks!"
Tatoria takes that 'nope' as agreement with her statement about the lack of
painting ability among the starries. "You don't want to do it all by
yourself," she states, already grabbing a clean brush. He's just being nice,
not wanting her to have to work
Sure he is. Mmmhmmm. "Um....Really...I'm ok..." How to stop this from
happening..Is there a way? Kazandar turns around, stopping painting for a
moment. "Shouldn't you be...sleeping or something?"
Tatoria is bent over the cans of paint, searching for a good color. She
swings her head around to look at Kaz. "Sleep? No, I'm fine. Why?"
Kazandar watches her every move. "Because it's /late/ and apprentaces need
thier sleep!" Is he pleading? Nonono...
Tatoria grabs a can of red paint with a small exclamation of triumph.
"You're an apprentice," she notes as she studies the color intently, then
glances up at the sketch on the wall. "And you're not asleep."
Kazandar corrects her. "No...I'm the CraftMaster. I don't have to sleep."
Red? Oh no...."You sure you don't need sleep? I think you do..."
Tatoria shakes her head as she carefully dips the brush in the paint. "Kaz.
Don't be silly. I know exactly who you are. And I'm not tired at all. As
long as you're painting, I'm gonna keep you company and help you!" Nice of
her, isn't it?
Kazandar groans quietly. "But I don't need help!" He closes his eyes. If he
can't see her...she'll go away...
Tatoria will not! She's still there.. and armed with a paintbrush. Perhaps
he /should/ watch what she's doing? Because while his eyes are squeezed
shut, she's approaching the mural thoughtfully. "Yes you do," she insists.
"Maybe this one should be red?"
Kazandar opens his eyes at the sound of her voice. Yup. Still there. He sees
what she's about to do. "NONONONOOOOOO! Look at the sketch on the wall
before you begin! It's all color coded!!" That girl...sigh.
Tatoria steps back a bit, frowning thoughtfully. "Well, if you'd /tell/ me
what to do, I'd wouldn't have to guess!" she points out.
Kazandar growls and points to the picture stuck on the wall by the mural.
"You're supposed to look at that for the colors of the planets...."
Tatoria shakes her head as she studies the indicated pictures. "That doesn't
make any sense!" she exclaims, her head tilted sideways as if that would
Kazandar frowns. "What? It's a perfectly clear picture..."
Tatoria shakes her head again, brush held carefully in front of her. She
certainly doesn't want to end up painted like last time - a fact Kaz wasn't
nice enough to point out! "No it doesn't! I just want to know which one is
Kazandar blinks. It /really/ is perfectly clear. "The circle that's red in
the drawing is the one that's red on the hard is that?"
Tatoria sighs at Kaz, exasperated. "It's /very/ hard! I do /not/ see which
circle the red one is supposed to be on the wall!"
Kazandar sighs. This one's pathetic, but then he really shouldn't speak.
"Count how many planets to the red on from one side then do the same on the
mural...See? Not hard."
Tatoria drops her paint brush back into the pile, and her can of paint soon
follows, though it's set down a bit more carefully. "Fine," she says, her
tone a bit angry. "If you won't /show/ me, I just won't paint. You can do it
all yourself!" She settles herself on the floor against the opposite wall,
arms folded across her chest as she stares up at him sullenly.
Kazandar shrugs at her. Ah well...He turns aaround and stares at the wall.
Where was he? Oh yes...he dips his brush in the yellow paint and continues
to paint Rukbat.
Tatoria sighs heavily - loud enough that she's sure Kaz will notice. Right?
What /is/ it with him? Why can't he just t be /helpful/ like normal people?
She slumps down a bit, still staring at Kaz, and sighs again.
Kazandar hears her....and ignores her. What's with her. Why can't she just
/think/ like normal people. How hard is it to read the sketch! Not very!
"Want something?" If she's going to be this way..
Tatoria sighs again. "I /want/ you to be nice!" she exclaims suddenly, still
slouched against the wall. "How hard is that?"
Kazandar slowly puts the can down and turns around. "I want you to use your
brain! I want you! I mean how hard is it to follow simple
instructions! Why should I let you paint if you can't even figure out which
one is red?"
Tatoria is very tempted to stick her tongue out at Kaz. But that'd mean he'd
won. Instead, she settles for scrambling to her feet and planting her hands
on her hips as she glares. "No one /has/ to help you!" she shouts at him.
"It's a /favor/. And it is not that easy to read your stupid little chart! I
haven't even had astronomy yet! How'm I sposed to know where things go?"
That has nothing to do with it? Well, at least it sounded good.. right?
Kazandar growls. "It's the same exact thing that's on the wall! It's
perfectly similar to the drawing! How could you not know?" Paintbrsuh is
gripped tightly in his hand. "And I didn't ask for your help! You just
showed up!" His knuckels begin to turn white.
Tatoria's hands drop to her side as she looks up at Kaz, her glare gone.
"You don't want me to help?" she asks softly. "I thought I did a good job on
the black part."
Kazandar stops gripping the brush so hard. "Not smudged it
quite a bit and painted over a lot of lines." Only the truth...
Tatoria blinks as she looks toward the spot she painted. "But I fixed it,"
she points out in a quiet voice. She did! Really! Kind of...
Kazandar sighs. "This part is /much/ harder to fix though...and I don't want
it messed up..."
Tatoria twists her hands in her skirt as she nods. "Oh. Ok. I guess I'd
probably mess it up," she agrees quietly as she slides back to the floor. "I
don't want to mess it up."
Kazandar nods as he slips back into meaness. "Exactly. I don't want it
messed up either." He turns around and dips and strokes some more.
Tatoria nods again as she pulls her legs up under her. "That'd be bad."
Kazandar continues to paint the yellow on the wall as he nods. "Yes it
Tatoria slides down her wall to curl on the floor in a nice little ball,
firmly deciding that she should be helpful somehow. Even if Kaz is mean. "I
guess maybe I'll just keep you company?" she asks, her tone slightly
hopeful. She's determined to be nice tonight.
Kazandar shrugs. He isn't going to shoo he away. He's not /that/ mean.
Close. "Ok...have fun..." Face close to the wall he layers the yellow on.
Tatoria tucks her skirt carefully around her legs as she watches Kaz,
pondering. "Hey Kaz."
Kazandar really should be careful or he'll get paint on his face. He pushes
himself away from the wall but continues to paint. "Yes...?"
Tatoria pauses for a moment, considering how yellow paint would look on
Kaz's nose. But she's being nice, remember? She blinks before speaking. "Do
you know how to wash clothes?" Well, she's keeping him company, and that
means conversation, however odd. Right?
Kazandar blinks. Odd question...answer a question with another.
"Um...depends I suppose...why?"
Tatoria pulls her knees up to her chest, seeing how tight a ball she can
form, then uncurls them slightly, frowning. "Well, I don't really. I mean, I
/do/... but not nice clothes, without ruining them," she says, as if that
explains everything.
Kazandar nods and paints. A little slower, but he's still painting.
"Well...get someone who knows what they're doing to do it for you..."
Tatoria blinks at Kaz from her nice little ball. "I'm /trying/," she points
Kazandar blinks again. "You mean you wanted /me/ to try and wash
this...thing if I could?"
Tatoria nods. Kinda. It's something of a sideways nod as she lies on the
floor. "Well, I thought if you knew how to do it, maybe you could at least
show me?"
Kazandar nods. It's making more sense? Maybey it's the fumes from the paint.
"I could try but I don't think I'd be the best person to show you."
Azdarna walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Tatoria uncurls a bit to see who came through the door. Perhaps someone to
relieve her of her keeping-Kaz-company duty? After all, one can only take so
much of him at a time.
Azdarna looks around the Observatory, as she mutters wow. Focusing her
attention to the other two occupants. "Hello, can I help paint?"
Stroke...stroke...stroke...dip. Kazandar continues to paint until a noise
tells him someone else arrived. He turns around. "Paint?" He
looks around and stops. "/Can/ you paint?"
Tatoria watches Azdarna from her curled-up spot on the floor. "You shouldn't
paint, because Kaz is mean if you mess up even a little bit. He yells at
Azdarna nods. "I can paint, I'll be extra careful."
Azdarna chuckles at Tatoria's comment.
Tatoria frowns, curling up again. "I was careful too," she mutters into her
arm as her eyes manage a quick glare Kaz-wards.
Kazandar sighs and shakes his head at Tat. Sometimes he swears she just
stays around to tell others how mean he is. "Ok...take a look at the drawing
on the wall over there...find what you want to paint...and get the right
color and a brush. They're all over there..." He waves off to the other side
of the Observatory.
Tatoria does. It's her mission in life. But she has to or the others would
be unsuspecting! "Be careful you do the right one," she adds bitterly.
"He'll yell if you paint the wrong color."
Azdarna smiles. "Thanks," She walks over to the drawing and peers at it.
"Okay" she thinks confidently and starts to copy it out in paint, going very
slowly to make sure she doesn't stuff up her first week at the Craft hall.
Kazandar snorts. "Darn right I will! My mural /will not/ be messed up!" He
means it too! He peers at Azda while she works and eventually proceeds with
his own painting. He moves down a couple rungs on the ladder and begins to
paint again.
Tatoria sighs heavily as she uncurls, mission accomplished. She stands
slowly, taking the opportunity to stick her tongue out at Kaz's turned back.
Ah. She's been wanting to do that all night. That accomplished, she moves to
stand in the doorway. "I," she states, as if they should be devastated. "Am
Azdarna looks up at Tatoria. "Oh, have a goodnight." She says in response to
her statement.
Kazandar waves at the general direction of the door as he paints.
Tatoria sighs heavily. She's so unappreciated.
Tatoria walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Azdarna manages to supress a chuckle at Kazandar's sourness towards Tatoria.
Trying to start conversation, she begins with. "So, how long have you been
at the mural?"
Kazandar mmmms as he works. "Um...the mural...reasearch and everything
Kiyata walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kiyata smiles brightly. "Hi!"
Kazandar, lying down on the ground under a painted Rukbat, doesn't hear her.
He's sleeping and snoring every so slightly. Seems someone was up too late
working. The can of paint lays to the sidfe used up and the brush is still
in his hand.
Kiyata notices Kazandar's closed eyes and laughs silently. Sneaking up
around him, she takes the brush out of his hand, and sticks it into the can.
She snakes a hand out to his stomach and starts to tickle him.
Kazandar, who is very tickleish (thought only a few people know this), jerks
up and bats frantically at the hands doing the tickling and anything else he
can reach. All the while laughing quite loudly. "S-t-stop!"
Kiyata sniffs her nose, which was batted furiously at, and stops....for a
minute or two. "Was somebody up a little late last night?" She says, and
Kazandar practically jumps up looking for something. His paint and brush.
"No-no...I'm working right now! and I /always/ get enough sleep."
Yeah...right...He reaches for the paintbrush, which is useless now because
of the dried on paint.
Kiyata sees the paintbrush that she took..and looks suspiciously at him.
"Yeah...Right...And that is why the paint is all dried on your brush?"
Kazandar snacthes up the brush and 'paints' on the wall. "It-It's not!" He
pretends to paint.'s fine..
Kezzra walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kiyata looks for a fresh can of paint to hand him....."Sure. Whatever you
say. Alrighty." shakes her head sadly. The brush was /bone/ dry. She finds a
can, and flings it at him for him to open and use.
Kiyata glances at Kezzra, and smiles cheerfullly, "Hi."
Kezzra stumbles a bit as she walks in. "Ya mind if I sit in here and watch
Kaz?" She wobbles a bit standing there trying not to let anyone see that it
Libby walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kiyata shakes her head and waves a hand. "Go ahead, but I don't see why you
would want to watch HIM..."glances at the suspiciously dry brush. "Oh yeah,
Kez, I was in the vault and saw your Silver Ring?"
Kazandar eeps and drops the brush to catch the can. "Don't /do/ that!" He
smiles as more people come in. "Hello..Kezzra, Libby..." He frowns and
carefully puts down the can of red paint.
Kiyata smiles hello to Libby.
Libby grins "'Lo Kaz!" she calls, then wonders over to stand beside him,
glancing from his can of paint to the beginnings of the painting. "Need a
hand?" She waves to Kezzra and then unknown probbie, smiling.
Kezzra walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Kiyata mutters something about sleeping people and dry brushes
and.....unfinished paintings
Kazandar blinks. Oh yeah..."Libby, this is Kiyata. Kiyata..Libby." He
'coughs' and tosses the brush away. "Now where'd that brush go?" He waddles
over to the paints and brushes and chooes a new one. "Anyone who wants to
help paint a planet...look at that sketch on the wall...choose which you
want to do and get the right color. Then you can paint it..."
Kiyata smiles cheerfully. "Hello Libby.."and glares at Kaz's thrown brush.
She looks at the mural on the wall and nodds thoughtfully.
Libby wonder over to the sketch, smiling at Kiyata over her shoulder and
waving again. "Hey," she says and then turns to look at the sketch. "Hmmmmm,
I think I'll try this one!" she says, pointing to the purple planet.
Kazandar smiles. "Well...just find the right color paint...the planet on the
wall...and you can get yourself a ladder over there...," He points to a
couple ladders in the back of the room.
Kiyata picks up a brush with a blue bucket of paint and starts on the
grey-blue planet."And I'"she says between
brush strokes, not leaving the matter up for discussion.
Libby hmmms "K" is said as she shifts the ladder, planting it next to her
choosen planet. "Ouch," is muttered as she traps a finger, followed by "Be
right back, I should change." she hurries out, remembering the chaos of the
last time she tried to paint.
Libby walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Kazandar smiles. "Ok..." He gets some more yellow paint and drags his ladder
over to the next planet down.
Libby walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kiyata starts humming while mixing some blue and gray paint for the proper
shade...and finds it. She lifts her brush and starts to paint
"Back!" is called as Libby all but bounds into the observatory, taking a
bucket of paint as she makes her way to and up the ladder. "Ummm, brush!"
she searches around from a vantage point, trying to loacte one.
Kiyata throws a brush at libby....the stiff dry one...oops.
Lilinia walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Rubbing her forehead, Libby semi-glares as the Probbie "Thanks, I think" she
says, trying to feel for a lump. She steps down from the ladder, and takes
up a slightly better brush. "Anything special I have to do? Or just paint?"
she inquires of Kaz.
Kazandar looks up from his painting. "Brush?" He watches as the stiff dry
one flys towards Libby. Ugh.." paint the circle. Nice and neat
now..." He smiles as he sees Lili. "Heyas..."
Kiyata shrugs, and gives an I'm-sorry-i-didn't-mean-to look to Libby. She
honestly didn't mean to hit her....really....(as her vindictive nature
insists that on some unconcious level, she really DID...but then the little
angel says no..and the devil says..nevermind)
Lilinia looks up at Libby and blinks. "You okay Libbs?" She turns and smiles
at Kaz, "Hey... how are things going?" She walks over to the paintbrushes
and looks down at them, "Okay... which one should I use?"
Kazandar sighs and goes through the drill. "Whatever one you want.
See the drawing on the wall? The sketch? Look at it. Choose a planet that
hasn't been painted or isn't being painted yet and paint it..."
Waving to Lili, Libby uses her other hand to begin painting the edge of the
circle with the purple paint. She manages to splash some of it on her front
in the process, but doesn't look twice at the old shirt.
Kiyata is busy memorizing the planets for future studies, and is awedly
mesmerized.... but in the process....she falls off the ladder-again.
Kiyata feels....bad? and scampers out the door.
Kiyata walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Plucking a brush up, she examines it to make sure she isn't about to mix
colors and get thrown off a balcony. Lili grabs some blue, black and white
paint and swirls them a bit, and walks over, proceeding to paint, "So... how
is everyone today?"
Blueup blinks in from ::between::!
Zlantine blinks in from ::between::!
Peering very closely at what she's doing, Libby doesn't immediatly answer
Lili's question. Once she's got what she considers the perfect circle, she
turns to her. "A bit to energetic, but apart from that fine. I'll probably
swim it off after this." she says, indicating the mural.
Kazandar shrugs and continues to paint the next planet over from Rukbat.
"Fine I"
Lili looks up at Libby and blinks. Okay... um... "Energetic? Okay... I'm
lost." She looks at the planet and swears to herself that if she messes
up... "I'm pretty good. /Nearly/ finished with my book."
Kazandar frowns and turns to look at Lili. "I thought you were done?" Did he
miss something? Again?
Libby begins to hum as she fills in the planet, noticing her 'lizard blink
in from between, and whistling for him to come over. She then goes back to
humming, and making the paint even all over the round planet, as Zlantine
lands on her shoulder.
Lilinia shakes her head, hair swaying back and forth. "I have to change a
little... unfortunatly. But I'm /nearly/ finished." She starts to pick up
Libby's tune and hums along with her, painting the planet.
Kazandar carefully paints the last few strokes in a circular motion. Then he
leans back to look at it. Finally satisfied, he climbs down off the ladder
and goes over to the bucket to wash his brush. "Ah...well. At least you're
close to being done." /He/ on the other hand isn't going to hum...he isn't
very good at staying on tune. He's quite happy to listen.
Lilinia nods, silent a bit. Okay. The room went silent? She sweeps her
paintbrush around in the pencil lines, dipping it for more paint. She clears
her throat and looks at Libby, "So... 'xactly what was happening before I
got here?"
Libby continues to paint, and periodacly peer at her work. Once the paint is
filling the circle of the planet completely and seems even, she too steps
down, to see what it looks like from floor-level. "Whatcha think?" she asks
Kaz, leaving the humming for a bit.
Kazandar washes his brush and gets a sponge and some white paint. He steps
over by Libby's side. "Looks can get a sponge and add texture if
you want." He looks at Lili to see how she's progressing. Looks good...He
walks over by the ladder and stops right as he's about to climb it. He grins
at Lili. "Nothing much...just /all/ the fun," he teases her.
Lilinia chuckles, "Awwww... really? Too bad for me." She swirls a bit of the
blue across the planet, giving it a bit of a swirly effect. Lili bites her
lip and ponders sponging it, but decides against it. She covers up the last
of the pencil marks and looks at Kaz, "This good?" She points to the planet
with her paintbrush.
Libby takes a spounge, and begins to dab, pausing to check for bits she's
mist. "Done," is muttered as she climbs done the ladder, moving over to
clean her brush as Kaz did, 'lizard on her shoulder.
Kazandar climbs the rest of the way up the ladder and begins to sponge on
the white. He looks down at Lili. "Yup...looking good!" This is going good!
/Too/ good...
Lilinia smiles and washes out her brush, making sure to get all of the paint
out first. No need to be killed for a silly reason. "Good... and I thought I
was going to miserably mess up your mural!" Lili wipes off her hand on a
towel and looks over at them, "Anything else I can do?"
Standing in one corner, Libby ponders her firelizard. She looks from him to
a pot of paint and back again. Eyes light up as she turns to face her fellow
appies. "Too good?" she inquires of Kaz, and then without waiting for an
answer "How easy is this stuff to wash out?" she means for her shirt, of
Kazandar smiles at Lili. "You could paint another planet?" He frowns at
Libby for a mere second. "Come out? Not very good out of clothes...comes off
of metal and glass and skin ok though..." He finishes up the sponge job and
climbs down the ladder. "Ok.."
Lilinia wrinkles her nose. Painting is /evil/. "Sure..." she pauses a moment
and repeats herself, "Sure.. yeah." She looks at the planets, "Just pick
another one? She picks up her paintbrush again and looks over the selection
of paints.
Splish, splash, stroke of paint, goes Libby's brush over Zlantine, adding
swirls of purple paint to his blue back. "Hmm, hmm, hmmmmm," is hummed with
each stroke. "Now,"she asks "What are the Starcraft colors for 'lizards?"
she beams at her creation.
Kazandar washes the sponge off and puts away the paint. "You don't /have/
to. I'm not goign to force it on you or anything." He shakes off his wet
hands and stops still, gawking at Libby. Suddenly he's moving again. "Don't
/do/ that!" He says as he tries to grab the brush and paint from her hands.
Splurge! Libby now has a paint job to match her 'lizards, though not quite
so stylised. She stands, hands on hips glaring at Kaz. "What on Pern did you
go and do that for?" she asks, sounding like thunder, and then bursts into
giggles. "At least you did it as far away from the mural as possible!"
escapes her lips between giggle-fits.
Lilinia wrinkles her nose, "Nono... I'll do it. It'd be an honor." She looks
at Kaz and Libby but decides to ignore it. She looks up at Libby and blinks
several times. "Oh dear..."
Blueup suddenly disappears ::between::!
Kazandar whimpers, really afraid now. He spilled the paint. Not a bad thing
really, most of it landed on the tarp and it /was/ away from the mural, but
it wasn't away from Riina's Veiwer. "I thought I put that away..."
Libby semi-snorts at Kaz "Bit late for that now, and I'm glad to see your
priorities go to the 'viewer, and not your fellow apprentice." She picks up
Riina's purple distance viewer, wiping it on one remaining spot of clean on
her shirt. "It's not got inside, it'll clean off metal, like you said." she
adds to reassure Kaz. "The floor could be a bit of a job, and so could my
hair." She looks at it ruefully, and sighs.
Lilinia blinks and looks at both of them, paintbrush still in hand. "We're
dead. We might as well find a dragon and go between and stay... 'Riina'll
kill us if we /don't/ get it off!" She puts a hand up to her mouth and lets
out a little gasp. Oy.
Kazandar looks down at the floor. "The tarp got all the paint. That's not a
problem." He looks at Libby. "You need to go wash off...maybye now..." He
looks down at himself. Hmm..."Seems I'm also a little purple. I'll need to
wash too.." He's worried about the clenliness of them? And /not/ the viewer?
No..."Yeah..she will...erm." He whimpers. It'll come will...
Libby sticks one arm around Kaz, 'viewer in the other hand. "Come on, we'll
go grab a rag from the Vault, there's always scraps there, and then take the
'viewer and ourselves down to the lake to get sorted out. Lili, your
assisting." Suddenly she's little miss organization. "You need a break
anyway," Kaz is informed "And I need a swim." So it's settled.
Lilinia blinks and just listens to Libby... "Ooookay. If you say so." She
puts down her brush and walks over to them, "Uhhh.... She's right though.
You really need a break Kaz."
Kazandar digs his heels into the...ground. "Nononono...I'm fine. Really...I
/don't/ need to go to the lake." Is that a little panic in his voice? "I'm
fine! I don't need a break!" Never mind he was found the afternoon sleeping
with a paintbrush in hand.
Lilinia wrinkles her nose and takes his hand. "You don't have to go to the
lake. Just rest a bit, okay? Do me a favor and take a nap." She gives him
the pleading look, "Please?"
Both eyebrows raised, Libby glares. Bad Kaz, he wasn't supposed to argue.
"You do, look at you!" Paint is not in fashion this season! "And if not the
lake, the pond. Personally I don't want to smell like fish for the next
sevenday..." She turns to Lili and mutters "If he doesn't agree, you take
the legs and I'll grab the head." Only half-joking.
Kazandar doesn't think it's /fair/ for her to use that look. "Fine," he
agrees, "But I'm /not/ swimming!" And that's that. Paint may not be in
fasion, but he's /not/ swimming!
Libby shrugs "Fine, you don't have to if you don't want." she says sweetly.
Well, she can work on that when they get there. "Lili, could you be a
sweetling and run for the rag or something, I think the sooner Kaz and I
de-paint, the better!" she says, wrinkling up her nose.
Lilinia nods and smiles at Kaz, "Thank you Kaz..." She lets go of his hand
and runs out to grab a rag, "Be right back..."
Lilinia walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
In the Vault:
Lilinia looks at the table and picks up a couple of large rags and takes
them back to clean the Observatory up a bit... hmm...
Back at the Observatory:
Lilinia walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Lilinia comes back with the rags in her arms and smiles, "Okay... So, what
should we clean up first?" Again she gives another smile to him. Isn't he
Kazandar isn't going to no matter what! "I don't want and I won't! I don't
understand what makes you think I need a break..." He looks around. "Where's
the viewer?"
Libby grins at Kaz, taking her arm from around his shoulder and linking it
though his instead. "Come on, you! We'd better do us first, and you can do
the 'viewer whilst we clean up, at the edge of the lake?" she says, smiling
at Lili and ignoring Kaz. "I've got it!" she adds to his question.
Lilinia looks at Libby and Kaz and just shakes her head. "You know... We
/could/ go to the bath-house and get cleaned up there?" She looks at the
rags in her hands and puts them down to the side, so they can clean up
Kazandar whines and looks worried. "But I can't let the paint dry on it.."
Him? Who cares if he's covered in paint! It won't matter if Riina kills him!
Bath-house? That sound better than 'lake'. They can't make him swim there..
Libby nods "We could, but then people would notice and probably end up
finding out." Don't you get the impression this has happened before? "The
'viewer'll survive the trip over there, and I've never known Riina be
anything but nice." she says, giving Kaz a tug in the right direction.
Lilinia wrinkles her nose and shrugs. "I'm still for the bath-house. It's
just cleaner in general... "Ehh... the paint won't stick to the metal
permantly. It'll wash off." ...hopefully.
Kazandar stammers, "'s a lake!" Um...yeah. He resists the tug.
"If Rina's always nice why does it matter if she finds out?" Momentarily
brought back from worried-whiney land he's confused. Which is normal.
Libby okay-okays "Fine, but I think we'd best hop to it.." she says in
semi-warning, indicating the viewer and tugging again. "To the bath-house!"
she says, pointing the viewer at the door.
Lilinia walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Libby walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Bath House:
Lilinia sits down on a bench, towels near-by. "Well... I'm just glad I'm
clean." She smiles somewhat evilly, not wanting to be wet at this moment.
Libby unlinks with Kaz and strips off her shirt, pausing to inspect her
shorts before handing the viewer to Lili and entering the pool. She lets her
shirt float out in the water, rubbing it slightly to try and help the paint
run out.
Kazandar growls and glares at her. He's still wet. That /can/ be fixed.
Libby looses her hair, and looks around for something to clean it with. Not
finding anything she lets it splay out around her, making a halo about her
head. "You won't get much clean out there!" she tells Kaz. "And how's the
'viewer going Lili? It didn't look like the paint got inside?"
Lilinia takes the viewer and notices the purple paint that sticks to her
hand. She looks up at him and shrinks back a bit on the bench, not wanting
to be dragged in there, or dirty either. Lili looks down at the viewer
instead and takes a towel, trying to wipe away the paint.
Kazandar sighs. "I didn't say I wanted to be clean." He seems more concerned
with the viewer still than with himself.
Lilinia bites her lip and smiles at him, "It'll be fine... No paint got
inside, and I just have to wipe the paint off... don't worry!" She continues
to go at the paint with the towel that is now purple.
Libby picks up a piece of her hair and glares first at it, and then at Kaz.
"Fine then!" she tells her hair, and rubs the paint into it so it's even.
She then scrubs at her fingers and face, removing all paint that wasn't in
her hair. "I've had it the same way for an age anyway." is the only comment
she makes as she removes herself from the water.
Kazandar is out of excuses not to get in the water. Maybey he should just
run? He blinks. Ooo...Libby is being scary...there's another reason to
Lilinia looks at Kaz... now, it's only a little shallow pool of water. Just
enough for bathing in. "I won't get within five feet of you Kaz if you're
covered in purple paint." She stands up and walks dangerously close to the
pool to get some water to help remove the paint. She bends down and dips a
corner of the towel into it. "It's not going to kill you."
A towel is picked up, and Libby quickly dries herself, not bothering with
her now purple hair as it'd only wreck the towel anyhow. She makes a vague
'Eww' noise as she sits down next to Kaz and finds her shorts are still a
little wet, but looks over at Lili, content to leave her shirt soaking so
she can help if needed.
Lilinia leans over a little too far and..*SPLOOSH*! She falls in. Quickly
she climbs out, dripping. "I'm going to go back to the hall and change..."
She says and exits.
Lilinia goes home.
Libby bites her lip, and puts a hand to Riina's viewer so it can't fall off
the bench. "Gee, I hope she'll be alright once she gets dry clothes!" she
comments as she watches the spot Lili just vacated, picking up the viewer
and setting it on her lap.
Kazandar nods. She /fell/ in and didn't die. I guess it' "Yeah.
She'll be ok..." He glances at the viewer.
"It's /fine/!" Libby tells Kaz, noticing his glance again falling on the
viewer. She fails to mention the purplish tinge. "But we really should ger
you cleaned up!" she adds, before Kaz can protest. "You don't have to get
/in/ the water, you can stand at the edge and use a towel if it's that much
of a problem." she informs him.
Kazandar frowns. It is /not/ a problem. Well...yes it is, but he's not going
to stand at the edge and use a towel. That would only make him seem like
more of a looser. /If/ that's possable. "I'm /fine/." He assures both Libby
and himself. "Really." He seeks another glance at the veiwer before backing
away towards the water.
Libby raises an eyebrow "Oh, really," is barely audible, a cynical mutter,
but her face is all smiles. "Well, in your own time then." she answers. "I
might join you in a minute, I'm not sure the paint's coming out of my top
too well." She rearranges her still wet hair into it's orginal painting
tied-back look, with it's added hint of purple, and sits back to watch him.
Kazandar snorts and takes of his own shirt. "I told you it doesn't come out
of clothes too well." He did..didn't he? Tossing the shirt to the side, he
sits down to take off his shoes. Luckly his shirt only got a little paint on
it, his pants caught most of it. Thunk. One boot. Thunk. And then the other.
He looks up at Libby. He's being watched. He grins at her and wiggles his
Libby giggles, and adjusts her top and shorts "I'm still a bit wet," she
half-moans, tucking her feet up underneath her. Beaming back at Kazandar,
she wrinkles her nose up at her shirt. "Could you get it out for me when you
get in, please?" she asks, not wanting to get fully wet instead of just
Kazandar shrugs and stands up. "I could try." He bends over to pick up his
own shirt. "Toss it to me."
Libby does as commanded whilst keeping a careful eye on the viewer. IT's
survived so far, but who can tell how long that'll last. She looks at
Kazandar, slightly cynical "In you go then. The quicker you get clean, the
quicker we can get this," she points to the viewer, "Back to the
Kazandar snatches the shirt and quickly hops in with a splash. Ewww...water.
He rubs the paint on his shirt, well, he rubs the paint /into/ his shirt,
but gets most of it out. He hangs the shirt over the dge then gets to work
on Libby's. "Well...I got /some/ out, but I'm afraid you're shirt may never
be the same again." He rubs some more and holds up the shirt.
Libby just grins as she looks at the now light purple shirt. "It was old
anyway, and now it matches my hair," she said with a tilt of her head.
"Maybe I'll start a new craze or something." she shrugs, either way she's
had fun. Peering at Kaz, she gets up and dips a towel in the water then rubs
gently at his check. "You missed a spot!" she says playfully.
Kazandar wrinkles his nose at her. "When did you become my mother?"
Libby rolls her eyes "Not your mother, just concerned," she retorts,
finishing off and grabbing a fresh, dry towel. "Here ya go," she says,
holding it out as Kaz seems to now be clean. "We should get back to the
hall." She smiles. "Thanks for a great day!" she says as she walks to the
bench and grabs Riina's viewer. "After you?" she beckons for Kaz to proceed
her, once he's out and dried.
Kazandar is clean for the most part. Smiling he takes the towel and hops out
and dries himself off. Then he wraps the towel around his waist. "I'd
certaintly /hope/ you're not my mother," he teases. "Yeah...we should." He
picks up his shirt and his boots in one and and uses the other to hold the
towel. He blinks as he quickly kisses his cheek. Ok..."You call getting
covered in purple paint a great day? Ok.." He smiles, shrugs and steps out.
The Vault:
Libby walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kazandar walks into the room carrying his shirt and boots, damp, with a
towel around his waist and grins at Etain. "Hey there."
Etain looks up at Kaz from one of her huge books "Hey."
Libby ewws at her wet clothes "I'd best get changed, and hang my shirt up to
dry" she says, hopin Etain doesn't notice her purple hair as she runs past,
waving to Kaz and quickly to Etain.
Libby walks to the Female Apprentice Quarters.
Kazandar grins and shakes his wet head. "Whatcha reading?" He flops down
into his chair and drops the shirt and boots on the floor.
Etain holds up the thick book so Kaz can see the title 'The Joy of Acting:
All types from plays to pretending to be many CMs'
Kazandar frowns and reaches over. "Give me that book."
Etain shrugs and hands Kaz the book.
Kazandar takes the books and puts it under his seat. No one saw that. "So
how are you?"
Etain grins at Kaz "I'm fine, more or less, you?"
Kazandar snickers and pats the towel. "I'm fine. I /was/ painting, but Libby
and I got in a little fight and got paint on ourselves. We went to go wash
off, Lili was with us, and now I'm here."
Etain nods remembering a similar incident "Advice, never let a dog join in
on painting, especially when there are two jealous lizzens and a cat who
hates him also there."
Kazandar blinks and just nods and smiles. "Yeah...Mmmhmmm." Like he'd let a
canine paint anyway! Bah. Don't be daft.
Etain smiles again "How is it going anyway?"
Kazandar smiles. "Why don't you see for yourself?"
Etain shrugs "Why not?"
Kazandar stands up and towels off his legs again before dropping the towel
with the rest of his stuff. He straitens out his pants and waves to Etain.
"Come on."
Etain walks softly but clumsily in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kazandar motions to the almost done mural. "See? I only need to paint that
planet, Pern and it's moons, and the RS. Then I'm done." He grins.
Etain smiles and claps "Congrats, this was quite a job."
Kazandar nods. "Yeah...I'll be done soon and people can stop bugging me
about working too much.
Etain shrugs "What will you do after you become a j-man? Oy, my friend a
j-man, where does the time go?"
Kazandar snickers. "Please...I've still got a way to go before /that/!" He
grins. "Time goes the same place the laundry does."
Etain looks confused for a moment "Where /does/ the laundry go anyway? I put
it with the rest than later I get my clean clothes...."
Kazandar grins, eyes shining. "Exactly! No one knows!" Except /him/ of
Etain realizes that Kaz can just make people grin, another one of those
unexplained things. She nods again trying to think of some witty rebuttle
"Does anyone even wash our clothes? If so where?"
Kazandar smiles. " see. Little green men take the clothes and then
they along with little green woment run clothes throught rainclouds and
rainbows. Then they dry then with lightning and the little men carry them
back down here."
Etain cracks up laughing. "Why dop they even do that?"
Kazandar blinks at her. "Duh! To clean the clothes!"
Etain rolls up her eyes "Why do they do that I mean why not be lazy like
Kazandar grins. "You know the things in glowlamps? They eat them and it
gives them energy to do that...and they have so much energy they /have/ to
do something."
Etain nods "What makes that stuff glow? Kaz, why don't /you/ write a book
called like 'Kaz's Book of answers to silly questions'."
Kazandar steps infront of a pile of papers. "Sure..I'll consider that..."
Kiyata walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kiyata goes, "BOOO!" at the people in the observatory, then smiles
Kazandar looks at Kiy oddly. "Feeling..ok?"
Etain looks around the room some more. She sends one of her nods the new
person's way, a little shy.
Kiyata twirls. "Oh yeah. Definitly," she says in a high voice as she almost
trips, but catches herself on the ladder.
Kazandar nods slowly. "Ok...Have you two met?"
Etain shakes her head, this girl has a familar way of being though. Lilish
Kiyata nods head. "I'm Kiyata, new probbie..."she says lightly.
Etain nods and reaches out a hand "Etain, well met" she says softly
Kazandar turns around and hides the papers he was standing infront of and
then moves to pick through his project stuff. " we all know each
Kiyata shakes hand, smiling.
Etain nods and smiles a bit wondering what Kaz's newest story will be.
Kazandar picks up a paper dragon. "Hmmm. How'd that get there?" He digs
through some more 'stuff'. He looks over his shoulder. "You two waiting for
me to do something?
Etain nods at Kaz. "Need any help right now painting?"
Kiyata looks up, surprised to hear noise. "Wah?" she says oddly, and goes
back to twirling. Although, she kinda twirls into a can of paint without
realizing it.....and now the floor has blue paint footprints.
Kiyata falls into a heap on the floor and blinks up with wide green eyes.
"Look at the pretty stars!" she says.
Etain rolls her eyes a bit as she attempts to help the probbie up.
Kazandar stands up with a brush and peers at the accident prone Kiy.
"Humph." He turns to Etain and smiles. " can paint that orange
yellow one..."
Kiyata is helped up. However once up, she sticks her foot in the red can of
paint, which luckily doesn't have too much paint in it...and she now has red
and blue feet.
Etain smiles. After Kiy is up she takes orange yellow paint and starts. Oh
just you wait to see accident prone.
Kiyata deciding to make something of it, she dunks her hand in the yellow
paint and starts to fingerpaint part of the stars...and it actually looks
kinda good.
Etain continues to paint, not even looking at Kiy. "Cleaning up dried paint
is hard, especially for little green people" she finishes the sentence with
a bit of a chuckle.
Kazandar grins and nods as he heads toward the mural with blue paint.
"Yup...poor them. Those little green men...I don't envy them." He grabs a
ladder and pulls it to the area he's going to paint.
Etain takes the orange and the yellow as she swirls the colours to form the
Kiyata takes a fingerful of red paint and mixes it with orange, and starts
the Red Star. The swirl of colors generally make a good base for it. "Good
idea? She says, since it is very swirly..
Kazandar smiles as he climbs halfway up the ladder and leans the paint on a
rung. "Sure...," he says. Everything looks good.
Tatoria walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kiyata waves at tatoria with red and orange painted hands.
Etain looks over in tat's direction and smiles as she nods a greeting to
Lilinia walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kazandar looks down from painting Pern blue. Oh it's Tat. "Hello." He
blinks. And Lili. "Hello again...."
Kiyata waves enthusiastically at lili with red and orange painted hands,
goes to hug her, and stops short...eek!
Tatoria bounces in, grinning at the room in general. "Oh! Hi everyone! Are
we painting? Can I help? I want the red..." Yup. It's Tat.
Lilinia smiles as she walks and waves to him. No, she is /not/ painting. She
blinks as she's nearly painted by Kiya and takes a step back. She leans
against the wall. Moral support. "Hey everyone!"
Etain smiles at Lili "Hello."
Kezzra walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kiyata wavies at Kezzra with orang-red hands.
Etain smiles at Kezz as she passes her one of her nods.
Lilinia smiles and waves at Kezz from her spot against the wall, "Hey!"
Kazandar shrugs. "There isn't anything left to paint until all the planets
dry...unless someone want to paint Belior and Timor...." He puts more blue
in the circle labbled 'Pern'. Kaz, who is shoesless and shirtless, waves to
Kezz from the middle of a ladder. "Hillo."
Kezzra finds a place to sit dwon. She'd help, but...
Tatoria moves forward a bit to inspect the mural, then steps back with a
nod. "Looks good! Really good! Do you need more help?" she asks quickly,
speaking unusually fast. Hyper! "Oh! Can I paint one? I haven't gotten to
paint a moon or a planet or a star or /anything/!"
Etain adds a few more swirls "The planet is bigger than I thought.
Kiyata takes Tat's hand and smears it with paint from hers. "here, take over
for me. I have to wash floor......."
Lilinia blinks and looks Kaz up and down, but than mentally smacks herself
for doing so. "Congrads! You're nearly finished!"
Tatoria grins as her hand turns orange and red and looks up at the spot
Kiyata was doing. "Just finish filling this in? Right? I wouldn't want to
/ruin/ it or anything," she says.
Etain smiles again and motions to some brushes on the floor. She steps off
the ladder for a moment to get a good view of the wall. As she stepps back
her foot lands in some blue paint.
Kiyata goes home.
Kazandar grins at everyone. "Yeah...they suddenly get bigger when you have
to paint them. Tat, you're painting the Red Star...I think you'll do ok."
Really? Yup! Good mood he's in! "If anyone else wants to help they can paint
the Moons...other than that, I'm almost done!" He grins impishly and covers
more wall with blue.
Kezzra sits and watches them paint.
Tatoria beams at Kazandar's words. She'll do great! Just watch and see if
she doesn't! And the Red Star, too! Ooooo. She takes her paintbrush
carefully and studies the wall before dipping just the tip in
reddish-orange. Must be careful about this...
Lilinia watches everyone else, well, especially Kaz, but that's not the
point. "So... how was everyone's day? Eventful perhaps?"
Kazandar smiles. "If you want to do any sponge work you can get them over by
the brushes...." He grins again and finnishes the blue of Pern.
"There...that needs to dry..." He hops off the ladder brigning an empty
paint can with him and a used brush. "Eventful? You'd know!" He snickers.
Kezzra sighs, "Yeah...eventful. Last night too." She doesn't sound to happy
about it though.
Her gaze goes to Kezz, "Laryssa? You okay?" Lili takes a step towards her
friend worried. She gives a smile and looks at her.
Tatoria is so engrossed in her task that she doesn't pay a bit of attention
to the others. Her tongue pokes out as she dabs the smallest amount of paint
onto the Red Star - a dot barely as big as her finger.
Kezzra sighs, "Yeah... I'm alright..."
Kazandar walks over to the water bucket and throws his brush in. He gets a
new one, a smaller one and some white paint. He stops. "Who's Laryssa?" He's
never heard that name before...
Tatoria blinks, spinning her head around as she catches a question she's
been meaning to ask. She /has/ heard that name - several times. But has no
clue why.
Lilinia raises an eyebrow at him, then looks towards Kezz and keeps her
mouth shut. Best to let someone else explain. She decides to twirl her hair
around her finger instead. Much safer.
Kezzra looks down at the floor. "That was my name....
Kazandar shrugs again. Ok...everyone look at him as if he's daft and not say
a word. He climbs back up the ladder and sets down the white paint.
Tatoria forgets all about her paint brush, it's tip resting against the wall
- thankfully in a spot that's /supposed/ to be reddish-orange. "It /was/?"
Kezzra says, "It was...."
Lilinia continues to fiddle with her hair and try to look /really/ innocent.
She didn't /mean/ to bring it up... sigh. "So Kaz... when are you expecting
to finish your mural?" she gives the 'I wish I hadn't said anything, but I
did, so I'm going to change the subject now' face.
Kazandar stops mid dip and echo's Tat. "Was? Then why is somebody calling
you that /now/ if it /was/?" Too late. Kaz spoke first. He turns to Lili.
"Finnish? Soon..." He finishes dipping his brush and begins to paint Timor.
Tatoria frowns slightly as she turns back to her job, adding another itty
bitty spot of paint to the first though she pays attention to the
conversation now...
Kezzra sighs and gives Lili a look that says it's alright.
Lilinia looks at everyone and raises an eyebrow, thankfully glad from the
look from Kezz. "Let's go down to the Harper and celebrate or something?"
Lili teases, "Rather... let's go to the kitchen and do something
Kezzra winces as she stands up and stumbles out. She really shouldn't be
walking, her ankle is worse if anything.
Kezzra walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Tatoria nods with her back turned to Lili. "We should, soon as we finish
this!" And another small dab is added."
Lilinia sighs and wrinkles her nose, "I wonder if anyone noticed all the
empty bottles?" She adds, "Kay... What else needs to be done again?"
Kazandar twirls his brush around to finnish Belior. Moons are small and
don't tale long. He picks up the paint and climbs off the ladder. He puts
the brush with the others in the water and the paint away with the other
cans. "Ok...I /do/ need to let the blue dry..."
Tatoria blinks as she adds another dot. Polka-dotted Red Star? "The
Daiton glides in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Lilinia chuckles and nods, "The bottles."
Tatoria adds another polka-dot, then swirls a bit of orange-red to blend
several into one large dot. "What bottles?"
Kazandar rolls his eyes. "Ugh...bottles." He looks down at himself.
"Hmm...maybey I should change. /You/ girls may like this but I'm not so sure
that everyone in the Harper or Kitchen would..." He smirks at them.
Lilinia tries to look ridiculously innocent and lets out a little sigh. Oh
Tatoria dabs another bit of paint on before glancing over her shoulder at
Kaz and Lili. "Oh! Are we going now?"
Kazandar shrugs. "I guess. I'm done...are you?"
Etain adds a few finishing touches. "Done."
Tatoria adds another dot, then steps back to look. "I'm not. But I could
stay and finish it while you guys go..." she suggests.
Etain shrugs "I'll stay and wait.
Kazandar grins. "Me too...It's my mural after all..."
Lilinia rolls her eyes and decides she's getting sick from the fumes and
Lilinia walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Tatoria shakes her head quickly, her hair swinging across her back. "No. You
guys should go down to the kitchens while I finish. I can come find you,"
she insists as she adds another dab of paint. She's doing a good job. So
Etain takes a deep breath "Is there anything else I should do?"
Tatoria turns to glare at Etain. "You should go celebrate! It won't take me
very long to finish this..." And another dot joins them before being swirled
in with the others. "I can do it by myself. Really!"
Kazandar smiles. "I'm staying...that's final." He shakes his head at Etain.
"Nope...not until I finish paining Pern...then we get to paint the lines..."
Etain smiles at Tat "Look, if you and Kaz are staying then I am. Why
celebrate alone?
Tatoria blinks over at Kaz. Did she hear right? "We're painting the
/lines/?" She adds another dot before looking at Etain. "I guess..."
Kazandar grins at Tat. "Nono...we're painting the /Orbit Lines/ of the
Etain nods, figuring so much. "So what am I supposed to do?"
Tatoria's eyes widen slightly as she nods. "Oh. Ok then." She swirls a bit
more paint, getting faster as she gets more confident. And still not messing
up, thankfully...
Kazandar is thankful. Very. He smiles at Tat. "Looking good." Is that a
compliment? Yes! It is! "Um...I don't know...."
Etain looks at Kaz in disbelieve "You don't know something? wow...'
Tatoria blinks, her brush stilling. A compliment? Is Kaz feeling ok. "It
is?" she asks quietly.
Kazandar nods and smiles. "It is." He turns to Etain. "Why don't you stand
on your head?"
Tatoria beams. Positively beams. It /was/ a compliment! She turns to her
work with a renewed vigor, carefully dabbing red-orange.
Etain shakes her head "I can't do a head stand, can you?"
Tatoria swirls her brush in paint before dabbing again. "Kaz can wash
clothes," she points out randomly.
Etain smiles again "Does Kaz look Little and green to you Tat?"
Kazandar looks at Tat oddly, but nods. "Yes I I /think/ I can...It
was a while since I last did one..."
Tatoria adds a final dash of red to the mural before stepping back to look
at it. Completely Red-orange /and/ not paint where it shouldn't be. Wow! She
then turns her attention to Kazandar. "Yes!" she declares with a grin. "Most
certainly little and green. Why?"
Etain grins as she adds a few things here and there "He said little green
men and women wash our clothes." She laughs right out.
Kazandar nods and looks serious. "They do! Although I'm /not/ little and
green, I know /how/ to wash clothes...see?" He grins at the sillyness of it
Tatoria blinks, not quite understanding, but happy nonetheless. She painted!
And didn't mess it up at all. Wow. She steps back again, planting on hand on
her hip while the other holds her brush, and studies the mural. "Are you
almost done, little green Kaz?"
Etain looks up "Soon we can stop bugging you to stop working so hard."
Tatoria beams some more and deposits her brush in a bucket of water rubbing
her red-and-orange hand on her other one, making them both colored. "Good!"
Kazandar grins. "Yup...for awhile at least." He peers at Tat. "Want to wash
your hands?"
Tatoria peers down at her hands, then grins up at Kaz. "Probably a good
idea..." she says after a long look at him. It'd probably be a bad idea to
smear red and orange paint of Kaz, right?
Daiton chirps softly. His pet not feel good.
Etain looks at Tori's hands then at Kaz, then at Daiton.
Kazandar nods. "Yup. Good idea." Whiping your hands on Kaz however is /not/
a good idea, unless you're going for the american indian look. He looks up
at the flit.
Tatoria holds her hands carefully in front of her, rather disappointed as
she decides against wiping them on Kaz. They've been getting along so well
today, it'd be a shame to spoil it... "Where?"
Kazandar points to the bucket with the brushes. "There's water in
there...and rags nearby."
Tatoria nods, hopping toward the bucket with a bit of a hum, and dips her
hands in the water before scrubbing at them. "Nice color," she comments
Kazandar shrugs. "Eh. It's a color."
Etain makes an agreement sound in her throat as the washes some of the pain
off the floor.
Tatoria pulls her hands out, dripping but clean. "Well, some colors are
nicer than others," she points out.
Kazandar nods. "All too true."
Tatoria flicks water off her hands. Surely she didn't do it in Kaz's
direction on /purpose/... right? "For example. Blue is a /much/ nicer color
than orange."
Kazandar nods. "I agree. /Much/ better." He looks around the room. "Now
Etain shrugs "An opinion, but I agree. I think blue is defenitly better than
Tatoria rubs her hands on her skirt to finish drying them, then nods. "Blue
is one of the best colors."
Etain nods in sheer agreement.
Kazandar Nods. "'s a good color too..." Odd conversation this.
Tatoria bobs her head quickly. "Yes! Green is the second best color! Pink,
though, is bad."
Etain nods some more "I also like silver and black, Red is okay."
Kazandar nods. "Depends on what red I suppose."
Tatoria nods. "Yup. Red is.. ok. I guess."
Tatoria tacks her statement onto Kaz's "And what the red thing is, too..."
Amy walks happily with a smile on her face in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Tatoria bounces back a bit to survey the mural. "Are we done? Can we go
celebrate now?"
Etain smiles and nods A,y's way.
Daiton chirps softly.
Etain goes home.
Kazandar nods. "For awhile...celebrate what?"
Kazandar grins as a new person comes in. "Hey..."
Tatoria bounces up on her toes, then rocks back onto her heels. "Um... I
dunno! Lili just said we should celebrate!"
Kazandar grins. "Lets go find her and ask her what..."
Tatoria shifts her feet a bit. "Um... ok!"
Main Hall Balcony:
Tatoria walks in from the Observatory.
Kazandar blinks. "Ah! Hi! Lili...what were we going to celebrate?"
Lilinia looks at him a moment, sort of lost, "Um... you finishing your
project perhaps?" She gives a little shrug.
Tatoria nods, hands twisting in her skirt for something to do. "And /how/
are we going to celebrate?" she asks hopefully. Any dancing involved?
Kazandar nods. "But...we should do that when I'm really /done/..."
Lilinia shrugs, "Well... how about pre-celebration? They we can celebrate,
and than have post-celebration?"
Kazandar nods. "Ok..."
Kezzra sighs, not really paying any attention to the others, lost in her own
Tatoria likes that idea - quite evident from her grin. "But /how/?" she
questions again.
Lilinia shrugs and sits ontop of the rail and looks at both of them,
"Well... how do /you/ want to celebrate Kaz? It /is/ your project." Lili
swings her legs, hoping she doesn't fall backwards.
Tatoria sighs, moving to lean against a wall. There go her hopes of
Astrei walks in from the StarCraft Main Hall.
Kazandar blinks. "Uh-uh...," he stammers. "Uh, I don't know...I've never
thought about it..."
Kezzra sighs, wincing as she moves her foot. Really. It doesn't hurt that
Tatoria's eyes brighten as she beams over at Lili, then up at Kaz. "Oh, we
could /dance/! That'd be /wonderful/!" she says, practically begging.
Kazandar wrinkles his nose at them. "You two can dance with each other...I'm
not...and I /wouldn't/ love it."
Kezzra looks up to see 'everyone' there. She kinda half smiles, "Hi..."
Kazandar still looks disgusted with the idea of dancing he turns to Kezz.
" me..."
Astrei takes a step arounf the three conversing and asks Kezzra "What are
they talking about?"
Lilinia grins, "Sorry sorry... Well. Let's just go down and see what we
/can/ do. And no killing anyone!" She jumps off the railing and looks at
everyone, "Okay?"
Kezzra says, "Save ya from what?"
Tatoria tries to keep her disapointment from showing, though she does sigh
softly. Promises of dancing continue to be dashed... "Can we at least have
bubblies?" she asks softly.
Lilinia shrugs, "Sure? Why not? If there are any, we can steal 'em till we
get sick." She looks at Tori and sighs also. Poor Tori /never/ gets to
Kazandar grins at Kezz. "Them...I think it's safe for now though." He turns
back around to face Lili and Tat, looking innocent..well..trying. "Kill
anyone? Why?"
Tatoria eyes Kaz suspiciously.
Kezzra says, "So what ya doing?..."
Kazandar shrugs. "Standing here."
Kezzra knew that. "Well... what are ya planin' ta do?"
Astrei blinks and bites her lip "I'm sorry I know I cam in late on this
whole thing but...are you guys doing something, and if so what? and do you
need help thinking of something to do and...well I suppose thats it."
Tatoria sighs dramatically, the sound echoing across the room. "Let's do
something /fun/! Even if we don't get to dance."
Lilinia looks at everybody, "Well... we are /trying/ to have a
pre-celebration party. I'm going down to the kitchen to see if there's
anything interesting." She walks off, not really caring if others join her
or not. She's just going to do /something/.
Kazandar looks at himself again. Really should change. He's still wearing
only pants.
Tatoria is doing something! No matter what it is! She bounces toward the
stairs after Lili.
Kazandar watches everyone leave. Might as well follow....He bounds off after
Astrei shrugs and follows, she didn't come all this way to sit around
Kezzra is being left alone again?...
Tatoria walks to the Staircase.
StarCraft Main Hall:
Daiton walks in.
Daiton looks to Tatoria. "Tat right?"
Tatoria blinks as she nods slowly, a bit startled to see Daiton there. "Um,
Daiton says, "How's my sister? She alright?"
Kazandar blinks. Confused, but he just listens.
Tatoria shrugs slightly. "Um. I dunno. Ok, I guess," she responds. She's so
Daiton nods, "Kay..."
Daiton walks to the Gar Workroom.
Tatoria sighs softly, glancing over at Kaz. "I don't think they want to do
Kazandar shrugs. "With all this waiting the paints probably dry..." He darts
off and up the stairs.
Daiton chirps quietly at Kaz as he comes in.
Tatoria walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Tatoria slips in, sliding down to sit on the floor and lean against the
wall. "You're almost done," she notes quietly, some of her energy worn off.
Kazandar smiles at the flit and turns as Tat comes in. "Yeah...I am." He
walks over to the brushes and picks throught them...looking for a smaller
Tatoria curls her feet up slips her boots off before tucking her bare feet
under her dress. "It looks really good."
Daiton chirps quietly. His pet not feel good.
Kazandar glances up at the wall. " does," he says proudly. "Ah ha!"
He finds a smaller detail brush and then looks through the paints. Finding
what he needs he takes a plate and pours green and brown paint in it. Then
he rummages through some scrolls. He smiles as he finds what he wants...a
map of Pern. Carefully he gathers everything up and heads to the ladder.
Tatoria settles herself in comfortably. Well, as comfortable as the floor
can be, at least. She tilts her a bit to watch Kaz's movements, then sets
herself to studying the mural. "It's kind wierd to think that all /that's/
out there..." she says softly.
Kazandar shrugs as he climbs the ladder. "Never really thought or think
about it I guess. I only thought of them as circles on the wall. Never
/really/ thought of them as planets..." He sticks the map uo near the mural
Pern and puts down the paint.
Tatoria scans the mural as she tucks one foot beneath the other. "But they
/are/ out there. I mean, those planets.. they have dirt, just like Pern..."
She pauses for a moment before speaking again. "Do you think we could walk
on them? Do you think they're just like Pern?"
Kazandar shrugs and paints land on the all-ocean-blue Pern. "Some may have
dirt...but I doubt they are like Pern."
Tatoria nods slowly, her look distant as she thinks. "I guess that makes
sense... They don't /look/ like Pern. What do you think they're like?"
Lilinia walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kazandar shrugs and continues to paint the continents on Pern. "I
dunno...some may be hot...others cold..."
Daiton suddenly disappears ::between::!
Tatoria bobs her head again, the movement slow. "I guess. There're probably
all sorts of planets."
Kazandar shrugs as he finnishes the Northern continent. "Yeah..." He takes
another look at the map and starts on the Southern Continent.
Tatoria slides down a bit further and curls into a ball on the floor,
yawning sleepily. "Have you ever been to Southern?" she questions as she
watches him paint the continent.
Kazandar nods quietly. "Yeah...used to live there." He finnishes up the
continent and begins to paint all of Perns little islands.
Tatoria blinks slowly, one hand rubbing at her eyes as she manages to keep
them open. "Really? I didn't know that. What's it like?"
Kazandar finnishes the islands. "It's hot...and there's lots of trees...Tat
could you get me some white paint?"
Tatoria uncurls herself after a moment and moves over to the paint, having
to stare at it for several minutes before remembering what she was getting.
Oh yes. White. She finds the correct can and carries it over to Kaz where
she hands it up to him, then stands looking up. "That's all?" she asks,
disappointed. "Just trees and hot?"
Kazandar smiles as he takes the paint. Magickally he pulls a brush from his
pants pocket and begins to paint swirly clouds. "No...there are long, long
beaches of white sand..where firlizards lay there eggs...and in the forest
there are cool lakes and caves to hide in...redfruit trees grow everywhere
and everything is big." He smiles and swirls white onto Pern.
Tatoria watches the white swirl, her eyes unfocused and dreamy as she
listens. "It sounds wonderful," she breathes.
Kazandar stops painting being doen and picks up all the paint and brushes.
He climbs down off the ladder and puts away the paint and washes the
brushes. "Nope. I hated it."
Tatoria blinks out of her daze as she steps back, then moves to pick up a
paintbrush that'd been left on the floor. "You did? Why?"
Kazandar walks over to the ladder and pulls it away. "Why? What good's a
beach if you hate swimming? And a Lake? I /hate/ heat too."
Tatoria feathers the paintbrush against her palm as she thinks. "I.. don't
know. It's just.. you must have liked /something/ about it, to describe it
like that. And your family is there..."
Kazandar nods numbly and gets a stool. "Yeah...," he mumbles and puts the
stool by the wall. Then get goes digging through his stuff again. He finds
what he's looking for and walks over to the wall. Then he stands on the
stool and uses the chalk to draw lines on the wall, moving the stool along
the wall as he goes.
Tatoria carries the paintbrush over to place it in a pile, chewing on her
bottom lip as she ponders asking more. She settles for watching Kaz draw on
the wall. "Well, I think I would like it," she can't resist noting before
she asks. "What are you doing now?"
Lilinia walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Lilinia peeks in, hoping not to disturb anybody, "Hey..." she says in a
whisper, "Whatcha doin'?"
Tatoria turns from watching Kaz sketch something on the wall with chalk to
look at Lilinia. "Oh, hi Lili. I'm just keeping Kaz company. We were talking
about Southern."
Lilinia blinks a moment. Really? You guys are getting along! Yay! "Spiffy...
'xactly what about Southern?" She walks over to them and raises an eyebrow,
Tatoria shrugs, too tired to even think about the fact that they're not
arguing. "Kaz was telling me what it was like. They have long white beaches,
and redfruit trees everywhere!"
Kazandar smiles and stops drawing the line. "Ah...hello." He winces just
slightly. Southern. "I'm drawing the lines of the planets orbit...then I'm
goign to paint them." He goes back to drawing them.
Lilinia nods a moment, and tries to seem informed. Really. She didn't pick
planets as her subject. "Ahhh... okay."
Tatoria moves back to her prime spot now that she's grabbed the paint and
put the brush away. She curls back into a ball on the floor, her head
pillowed on one arm as she watches sleepily. "It sounds nice, doesn't it?"
Lilinia sits slightly behind Tori and nods, "I wish I could go to
Southern... it must be gorgeous..."
Kazandar finnishes with a fourth line. "Bah..."
Tatoria tucks her feet under her skirt to keep them from getting cold -
something no ammount of warm weather seems to stop. "I bet the beaches are
even nicer than the one at Paradise was.. and there are wild firelizards,
and the fruit is twice as big and as sweet..." she says dreamily.
Lilinia nods her head slightly and looks down at Tori, "Yeah..." She closes
her eyes and sighs, "And it's always warm, you never need wear jackets."
Kazandar snorts as he finnishes the lines. "You sound like you've been there
Tat." He grins at her and goes to find some grey paint and a brush. He peers
at Lili and Tat. "Stop that you two."
Tatoria snuggles down into the floor as best she can, then blinks, her mood
interrupted by Kaz's words. "I've never been /anywhere/," she says softly.
"Stop what?"
Lilinia smirks, opening her eyes, "Come on... let us at least dream while
we're stuck on this little wretched island..." She closes her eyes again,
"And the water is always a sky blue, and you can see to the bottom..."
Tatoria moves smoothly back into the picture, her eyes bright as they see
blue skies and clear waters intstead of the StarCraft Hall. "And there are
fish! I bet there are gorgeous fish, like the ones in the pond outside, only
more. All different colors, and they tickle as they swim by you..."
Kazandar rolls his eyes as he finds the grey paint. Grabbing a brush he
walks back over to the wall. "I /like/ this 'wretched island'. I moved
remember? I didn't come to be a StarCrafter originaly. Had I not left I
wouldn't be here...." He stands on the stool and paints the chalks lines.
"Fish? Yup..lots of 'em."
Lilinia smiles and watches the fish go by in her mind, "And the water tastes
briny, not salty like here, but just enough that it has a special taste,
like no where else on Pern." She sighs and licks her lips, being able to
almost taste it.
Tatoria sighs softly and she adjusts her head to rest more comfortable on
her arm. "I bet it's nice. I /like/ Ista island, but... Southern." Another
soft sigh as she studies the green mass painted on the wall. "I bet the rain
tastes sweeter, too, and we'd go outside when it stormed with our cups and
glasses to catch it..."
Kazandar continues to paint the dark grey lines that show the planets
orbits. He peers at Lili and Tat. "I'm not going to clean up your drool." He
continues to paint. This part's easy...
Lilinia wrinkles her nose, "Girls don't drool. We /sah-woon/ thank you very
much." She sticks her tounge out at him, "Drooling's a guy thing."
Tatoria frowns at Kazandar, speaking in a hurt tone. "We're not drooling.
There's nothing wrong with dreaming about someplace else. /You/ did it," she
points out.
Kazandar rolls his eyes. "'Scuse my Lady Lilinia." He turns around, now done
with the lines and peers at them, mostly Tat. "I did not."
Tatoria nods as best she can with her cheek cushioned on her arm. "Sure you
did. You must've wanted to see someplace else. Why else would you've left
home? Left /Southern/?"
Lilinia sighs and lies down on the ground, looking up at the ceiling. She
crosses one leg over the other and sighs, "It must be beautiful." She
ponders this some more, and continues to look upwards.
Kazandar hops off the stool that was moved every time he painted a line. He
frowns at Tat. "No...I just don't like Southern or anyone in it." He throws
the brush in the bucket and puts the paint away. Grabbing a used, but clean,
brush he searches through the paint. "Beautiful? I suppose. When you make it
to J-man you can move there."
Tatoria frowns back at Kaz. "Well, you didn't like it, so you thought of
somewhere that was nicer and moved there. That's the same thing." Kind of.
Lilinia opens her mouth to talk, but stops, not sure of what she wants...
"I'd like to visit it. Just for a while... not that long though." She gives
a shrug and looks over at both of them.
Kazandar rolls his eyes, again and grabs a can of brown paint. "No...I
didn't sit there drooling..ahem...sah-wooning about the place I wanted to
go!" He shrugs at Lili and goes to the wall. "You could do that too..."
Tatoria curls a little tighter as she yawns softly. "Same thing," she
mutters into her sleeve.
Lilinia shrugs, "Never know... Maybe you did and just forgot?" She looks
back up at the ceiling and sighs, "I didn't want to /exactly/ be here
though..." Lili's words trail off as she looks up at the domed top and
wonders who made it.
Kezzra walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kezzra stumbles abit, though not nearly as much as she was earlier. If you
can believe it she acctually let a healer look at her ankle.
Kazandar shrugs. "I just ended up here." He waves to Kezzra. "But I'm pretty
happy. So.."
Tatoria's eyes begin to drift shut - not from the lovely thoughts of
Southern, but from sheer sleepyness. She blinks them open once, fighting to
keep them that way as she watches Kaz. Her heavy lids and her comfortable
position on the floor get the better of her and they slide shut again.
Kazandar turns to the mural and dips his brush in the brown paint and then
puts a tiney dot on the wall. Dip dot dip dot. "Anyone want to help?" This
could be awhile.
Tatoria is already dozing off, her breaths coming deep and even as she lies
curled on the floor.
Tatoria falls asleep.
Kazandar sighs and dip-dots some more.
Kezzra goes home.
Kazandar sighs. dip dot dip dot dip...Bah! I'm done! Well...painting for
today. He growls and hops off the stool. Then he puts away the paint for
tomarrow and cleans the brush. "I'm done for now."
Lilinia raises an eyebrow, "You okay?" She looks at him from her place on
the floor, "Want to talk or something?"
Kazandar stretches. "Naw...I'm just tired...I've been working /way/ too
long...even /I've/ noticed." He grins. Takes a lot to make him notice.
Lilinia rolls her eyes and looks at him, pausing to make sure he doesn't
show any signs of lack of sleep. So it's a stupid thing to do... oh well.
"Lay down for a while or at least go to bed. You need it." She props herself
up on her elbows and sweeps over him with her eyes once more.
Kazandar rolls his eyes. "I'm fine I'm fine...stop worrying...I'm /not/
sleeping in here again though." Did he say again? No...of course not.
Lilinia stands up and looks at him, "Good. I'm going to bed... I'm dead
tired and I need sleep. You /definetly/ need sleep." Lili yawns and walks to
the door and smiles, "Night..."
Kazandar grins. "Night..." He follows her. He /does/ need sleep.
Lilinia walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Etain says, "I know this is a silly question, but need any help?""
Kazandar smiles and nods. "Really? Would you? See...I've got these asteroid
beltls to paint...," He stops for a second to paint on a few more asteroids.
Dip dot. Dip dot. "Get some brown paint...and a small brush...You cam follow
the white chalk line on the wall...."
Etain nods and picks up a small jar of brown paint and a thin brush.
Following Kaz's suite she starts to paint.
Kazandar grins. Dip dot...dip dot...bah. How long and boring. Whew..he's
been working for hours on this..."'re you?" Dip dot...
Etain wonders why everyone is grinning today. She paints more going from
astroid to astroid. "I'm fine, slightly confused, but fine. You?"
Kazandar snickers. "Only slightly? I'm /always/ confused. But that's part of
being a Kazandar." He's grinning because when this belt is finnished..he's
done. He continues to panint asteroids down the line.
Etain looks up at Kaz again "/A/ Kazandar? Implying there is more than one
of you? I thought you were unique." She adds more astroids here and there.
Kazandar smiles and sets down the paint and brush. He steps back and begins
to sing as he dances around the room, "The wonderful thing about Kazandar's
is Kazandar's are wonderful things! Their tops are made out of air their
bottoms are made of cushionings..They're bouncey, pouncy, flouncy, trouncy.
FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN! But the most wonderful thing about Kazandar's..Is I'm
the only one! IIiiii'm the only one!" He stops and takes a bow.
Etain smiles and laughs. She claps her hands a bit. "Wonderful Kaz" She
continues to laugh some more. "Wonderful."
Kazandar picks up paint and brush and begins to dot on asteroids again.
"That answer your question?"
Etain laughs again then stops, smiles and nods. "More or less."
Etain continues to dot the astroids "What happened with Libs yesterday?"
Kazandar pokes her. "Keep painting my little minon." He's dot
dot dot...stupid dot dot...almost dot
dot...well, close dot dot....He looks up at Etain. "What? What
about her?" A little paniky? No...
Etain looks up "I was just curious...What!? /I'm/ a /minion/ now?!"
Kazandar nods matter-of-factly. "'re a minion of a minion."
Etain still sounding suprised "I'm /your/ minion? Does this mean I will have
to paint your room?"
Kazandar shakes his head. "Naw...I'll round up a group of new little appies
who don't know any better and make /them/ do it..." He rubs his hands
together and grins evily. "Hehehe..."
Etain smiles "I'm off the hook, yea. You are going to have a lot of fun with
all that power, don't become corrupted."
Kazandar puts on an innocent look. "Who me? Corrupted? No..never..." He
can't hold a look like that long though and sighs. "I'm sorry Etain...but I
think it's a little late for that..." He dots on a few more asteroids.
Etain sheakes her head a bit as she adds more astroids, so many of them.
"And to think, soon you will have even /more/ power.
Dot dot dot. Few more asteroids go on the wall. "Yeah...but maybey it'll
/un/corrupt me?" Not likely..but It's a thought. Kazandar grins and goes
back to painting.
Kamikaze glides in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Lilinia walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Etain looks over at Lili and nods her way as she comes in, then adds more
astroids "Ho."
Lilinia walks in and bounces a little, too hyper for her own good, "Whatcha
doin'? Asteroids?" She tries to shove her hands in pockets, but notices she
doesn't have any pockets.
Kazandar nods. "Yup!" Dot dot dot...
Etain nods again as she adds more of the things. Then she sighes "I'm now a
Lilinia blinks a moment, "Minion? Explain...." She grabs up a brush and some
paint and follows both of them, careful to not make a mess.
Kazandar grins at Lili. "Ha! Now /you're/ a minion of mine too!
Muahahahahhaha!" And the power corupts some more...
Etain smiles "He is being currpted by the power he has."
Lili's eyes get wider as she turns to look at Kaz. "Shards. You'd think he
had enough power over me already, but /no/...." She turns to look at Etain
and nods, "Tell me about it."
Etain shrugs "Being a minion?"
Kazandar snickers and winks. "Yeah yeah..." He goes back to painting.
There's /a lot/ of asteroids out there....
Etain shrugs as she paints some more "I'm doing the same things I've always
Lilinia gets the urge to tickle him but stops herself from doing so. Maybe
later. "Sooo... how much longer till your finished?" She makes more asteroid
dots. Dooooot. Dooooot. Dot dot.
Etain adds more dots for the astroids "How many did you draw?"
Kazandar sighs. Dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot..."Are we done yet?
No...Ah well..closer though..." Dot dot dot..."How many? Uh...dunno..lots?"
Lilinia continues to dot and notices she felt like there was a lot less
asteroids when she wrote her book. "I hate asteroids."
Etain adds more astroids.
Kazandar nods. "Now I do too...remind me to never do this again...." More
and more asteroids appear one afer the other as Kaz dot them on.
Etain continues to dot "I'm getting annoyed at them, there are just so many
of them!"
Lilinia chuckles, "Okay.... never do this again Kaz..." She gives a little
shrug and continues to dot. "Yuck."
Kazandar rolls his eyes but continues to paint the asteroids down the line.
"Thanks...," he stays sarcasticly.
Mew suddenly disappears ::between::!
Etain adds more and more of those annoying little dots that are astroids.
Sighing she continues, so many more.
Kazandar dots some more. Hey..he's dotting yellow...He's dotting yellow! He
stops to look back at everyone else. "I'm dotting on yellow! How're you
Etain smiles largly. "I'm getting there."
Lilinia blinks and looks at Kaz, "Yellow? Hmmm???" She stops her brush in
mid-air, making sure she isn't doing something wrong.
Kazandar grins and dott furiously. He's doing it right...just doing it
faster. He's excited after all. "I'm almost done! I'm painting them around
Rukbat!" Wheee!
Etain realizes that they are almosed done. She adds them, more quickly,
"We'll be done soon!"
Blueup blinks in from ::between::!
Dotdotdotdotdotdotdotdot..."Yes we will!" Kazandar calls out. "We will!" He
dots on more asteroids and makes it to the other side of Rukbat. "Yes! SO
close! How're you two doing?"
Lilinia wrinkles her nose and just continues to dot away, "Um... okay?
Kaz... calm. Think calm. Okay?"
Etain smiles "Almosed done." She dots even faster, soon, soon.
Kazandar calms down..a little..."Ok..." He /can/ be happy can't he?
Continueing to dot he nears the end of the mural....
Etain adds more of the astroids closly reaching the end of this torture.
"Are we done yet?"
Lilinia dots around and makes little pictures out of them. "Hope so!" She
dots more. "Dot dot dot...." He's reached the end of the
mural. "I...I...I'm done! I'M DONE! Doooooone!" He stops and look over at
them. "Are you?"
Lilinia blink and takes a step back to look at her dots. "Dunno... you tell
me? Not my mural... I'm just a personal slave of Lord Kazandar."
Etain haistly adds more dots, finishing. She smiles and sighs. "I think I'm
going to go now, if I'm allowed Lord Kaz."
Kazandar grins. "Yeah...we're done guys! Clean up the brushes and put away
the paint! We-are-done!"
Etain hastily cleans up a bit, mabking a little mess "Can I go now?"
Kazandar nods. "Yes..I grant you permission to go now..."
Etain goes home.
Lilinia chuckles and picks up all the brushes and goes to wash them out.
"You're /finally/ finished! Took long enough!" She continues to wash them
out with water, "Want to go celebrate or something?"
Kazandar walks over and cleans up his own mess. "Sure...just let me /really/
clean up...Help me? I mean...Help me. I order you..."
Lilinia chuckles and picks up some more paintbrushes washing them out. "Oh
okay Lord Kazandar..." Lili then picks up some paint cans and closes them
up. "Hm... we're nearly finished!"
Kazandar nods. "Ok...put all the brushes in that box...and the paints in
that one...I'm going to get all the ladders..." He walks over to where the
ladders are standing and begins to fold them up and lay them on the ground.
Lilinia nods and kneels down to place all the brushes into the box carefully
and closes it once all are in. She starts on the paints, "So, how do you
Kazandar grins. "How do I feel? /Is/ there a was to describe it? I
/finnished/..With help yes..but I'm done! I conquered a mountain and I'm on
top!" He finnishes with the ladders and setes them near the boxes. He picks
up alll of the notes and books and papers and setes them ontop of a large
Lilinia smiles, and closes up the paint box and stands up, "Want me to do
anything else?" She walks next to him and raises an eyebrow, noticing all
the papers and looks down at them, "All your sketches?"
Kezzra walks in from the Main Hall Balcony.
Kazandar Nods. "Yeah...all my sketches...No...I'm fine. I'll clean up more
later." He waves to Kezz.
Lilinia walks to the Main Hall Balcony.
Kezzra smiles, "Hi Kaz." Her ankle seems better, and look it's wrapped. She
acctually let a healer look at it!?!
Kazandar grins and walks to one end of the room. "Hello..."
Kezzra says, "So how's your mural comin'? Ya were almost done weren't ya?"
Kazandar grabs one end of the tarp and begins rolling. He grins even wider.
"I'm done now!"
Kezzra eyes widen as she actually realizes the fact and looks at the mural.
"It's really good Kaz."
Kazandar continues rolling up the tarp. " took fovever to
Kezzra says, "It was well worth the time."
Kazandar finnishes rolling up the tarp. "Thanks're you?" He
picks up the bucket of water.
Kezzra shrugs, "I'm alright." She shifts her weight, her ankle still
bothering her some.
Kazandar smiles. "I'm going to dump out this water...Be right back..."
Kazandar dumps the water over the balconey. "Look out below!"
Kezzra says, "How are you?"
Kazandar grins. "Alright...back...How's the ankel?" He moves over to his
books and sketches and picks them up. "I'm great!"
Kezzra says, "It still hurts, but its better. Sarilka said it should be
healed in a sevenday."
Kazandar smiles. "That's nice." He shifts the books around. "I'm going to
put these away in the library...and then I'm going to the vault...See you
Kezzra purposely doesn't mention the part about if she stays off of it.
Kezzra says, "You want some help with the books?"
Kazandar shakes his head. "Naw...I'm fine..and you really shouldn't be
climbing up and down stairs."
Kezzra giggles, it's kinda funny since she hurt herself going downstairs in
the first place. "It's really not that bad. I can help if you need it. I
mean I didn't help ya paint at all or anythin'."
Kazandar hefts the books. "I'm /fine/ don't worry! I got it done and it
doesn't matter now...I'm going to go put these away and then I'm going to
the vault..."